After This, Why Would Anyone Jewish Still Vote Democrat?

AP Photo/Oded Balilty

Jan Gross’s book “Neighbors” documents the spontaneous massacre of 1,600 Jews in 1941 in Jedwabne, Poland. The murders were committed not by the invading Germans but by the victims’ fellow Polish villagers whom they’d known their entire lives. The pogrom got so out of hand that it shocked even the Nazi Gestapo, who had to step in and tell the villagers to tone it down.


Read that last sentence again until it sinks in.

To American Jews who have continuously attached themselves to whatever the leftist cause du jour happens to be, humor me on this. After witnessing the abominable reactions of your fellow leftists to the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, have you seen enough? As both Hamas leaders abroad and secular leftists at Harvard blamed you for the campaign of genocide being waged against you, are you finally convinced? As your supposed allies in Black Lives Matter valorized your murderers, are you still deluded?

As Jewish temples, Jewish schools, and Jewish civilians are being targeted across the world in places far, far away from Israel, will you remain obstinate? As that porcine quartet of the Squad refuses to condemn the slaughter of Jewish babies, will you continue to excuse away these “excesses” in exchange for whatever greater political good you think they represent?

We expect attacks like 10/7 from Islamic supremacist groups like Hamas. They are trained attack animals, and that’s how trained attack animals behave. But if you took medieval Islamic dogma and secular leftist dogma and switched the words “Islam” and “Marx” in their incoherent diatribes, their attitudes towards Jews are identical. And if the reaction these past two weeks from self-described progressives hasn’t convinced liberal Jews of this, I’m not sure what will.


Like Christianity, Judaism breaks down into different branches, and political leanings are reflected in those branches. The three main sects of Judaism in America are Reform Judaism, Conservative Judaism, and Orthodox Judaism. If you had to make a crude comparison, this could be equated to Mainline Protestantism, Catholicism, and Baptist/Evangelicalism. The first are generally the most liberal, the middle group breaks about even, and the last are generally the most conservative (and before the howling begins, let me say that of course not every member of each group leans that way; this is just a broad generalization based on polling trends).

Most liberal Jews are similar in their socioreligious outlook to most liberal Christians, meaning something like, “Yeah, we sort of maybe sometimes believe in God when it’s convenient, but that’s more back-burner stuff for another day. What’s important right now is that we twist our holy scriptures to fit whatever pseudo-intellectual, virtue-signaling, nonbinary mess of a glued-together political ideology gets us approval from our woke peers. And if that doesn’t work, well, those texts are thousands of years old, anyway, written by dead white males, so, you know.”

But you’ll notice as they chant “Gas the Jews,” as they did in Australia, that they didn’t qualify you by your politics or religiosity. They didn’t threaten Orthodox Jews while promising to leave Reform Jews alone. They didn’t offer preferential treatment to Jews who vote Democrat. They’re not verifying the pro or anti-Israeli stance of the Jews they attack. They want to kill all of you, and your progressive friends are all too happy to march alongside and let it happen.


Related: Did the Biden Admin Let the Attack on Israel Happen?

But President Biden came out in support of Israel, you say? For now. Check back in a couple of months after the BBC and CNN have reshaped the story (which they’re already doing) from one of the Hamas terrorist attacks to one of poor, besieged, downtrodden Gazans (who cheer in the streets when you’re murdered).

You’ll point to NYC Mayor Eric Adams, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), et al as proof of Democrat support for Israel, and you’d be correct. That’s very big of them. It’s so unfathomably noble to take a stand and declare that genocide is wrong. In quainter times, this might be what we’d call the absolute bare minimum for what should be expected from a moral human being. Now it’s the risqué position for Democrats who are still a bit too queasy about jumping aboard the retro train to Auschwitz.

In 2001, only 18% of Democrats sided with the Palestinians. As of 2022, that number more than doubled. For those under 30 years of age, 61% support the Palestinians. Care to wager where those numbers will be in 2040?

Are there some conservatives who are anti-Semitic? Unfortunately, yes. And whenever one of these losers does rear his incel head out of his mom’s basement, every Republican from coast to coast immediately and publicly denounces him. How many Democrats have denounced Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.)? Do you think the voters will punish them, or do you think they’ll be reelected handily?


Meanwhile, it was left to Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) to call out Shabd Singh, a Jewish American and a Hamas sympathizer, for what he was. Santos is not my idea of a model politician but in this instance, he happens to be correct, and he speaks for the majority of Republicans in terms of his support for Israel.

As for Singh, I wonder what he’s thinking — that he’s sticking up for the “underdog” even if that “underdog” hates him? That Israel really is to blame? That he’s the everyman’s David confronting an Islamophobic Goliath? Or does he know — deep, deep down in places he doesn’t like to look — that he’s playing to the audience in the desperate hope that, if things ever go south for Jews here in America, he can refer his would-be killers to this incident as proof that he was always on their side? I’m not sure this will save him, but “men” like him made for the most loyal guards in the Warsaw ghetto.

To liberal Jews who buy into the whole poverty-breeds-terrorism schtick, let me ask you this. If impoverished white Germans in the 1930s were doing the exact same thing as brown Muslims are doing today, would you be so quick to rationalize and excuse their atrocities? Would you demand we supply water, fuel, and electricity to German cities while they kill you en masse?  Would you watch videos of Klan rallies in the 1960s and think, “It’s easy to demonize them as The Other, but we really need to understand where they’re coming from. We need to acknowledge our privilege and the consequences of a century of Yankee occupation”?


Liberal Jews need to take a serious look in the mirror, wake the hell up, and realize who their friends are. With whom can you peacefully coexist: a conservative Christian who disagrees with you about partial-birth abortion or a pro-choice radical who openly cheers the murder of your people? A Republican gun owner who would never think to shoot you or a leftist gun control nut who has no problem with Hamas shooting you? Conservatives who homeschool their kids or professors who indoctrinate class after class with historically revisionist antisemitic smut? Liberal Jews might civilly disagree with conservatives on a host of issues, but at least they can do so without being denied their very right to exist.

President Trump did more for Judaism worldwide than any American president since Harry S. Truman recognized Israel. Trump cut off funding to the Palestinian Authority, attacked Iranian terrorism by vaporizing its leaders on airline tarmacs, recognized Jerusalem as the Israeli capital and moved our embassy there, and forged peace treaties between Israel and four Islamic nations. And how did liberal Jews respond to this? By supporting Joe Biden with roughly 70% of their votes. As Susan Sarandon said in “Dead Man Walking,” you are making it so easy for them to kill you.

Your “neighbors” have the “WE BELIEVE” yard signs. And they smile at you.



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