TPM Muckraker gives voice to voter fraud deniers. As Pajamas has reported previously, a TPM newsboy, Ryan Reilly flew the whole way to Houston to attend the True the Vote Summit last weekend. One problem – he didn’t register, either as a participant or as media. But he may have told his employers a different story – that he was refused admittance. Josh Marshall wrote a piece omitting the key fact TPM Muckraker refused to pay to register. In fact, Reilly was told before he left for Houston he would not be admitted without this registration. Reilly has made a (short) career out of misreporting facts to the public, and perhaps now to his employers. Today he goes after me because at the summit I recounted the story I heard about Blessed Mother Teresa when she would turn away people coming to help her, and send them instead to find their “own Calcutta.” In other words, if you want to make a difference with anything, including combating voter fraud, go do it yourself rather than just seek to follow in someone else’s steps. I gave that advice to the participants at the True the Vote Summit. In Muckraker-land, that qualifies as newsworthy. Perhaps their audience is so ill at ease with such stories, it deserves a write up. But the more curious aspect of Muckraker’s approach is to report facts which are plainly not true. The mob eats it up, it seems. At even a small town newspaper, someone would be out of a job by now.
Muckraking fiction about voter fraud
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