Liz Cheney Has Lost Her Mind

Townhall Media

Kamala Harris is appearing at a campaign event in Ripon, Wisc., on Thursday with none other than Liz Cheney. The daughter of the man whom Democrats were convinced was Beelzebub for years until he endorsed a Democrat for president will continue to expose her Trump Derangement Syndrome to the world.


If Ripon rings a bell to you, it's probably because the town claims the mantle of the place where the GOP was born. “Our community is the home of Ripon College and the Little White Schoolhouse, which is known for being the ‘Birthplace of the Republican Party,’" boasts the town’s website.

Apologies to KDJ, but here’s a FACT-O-RAMA: Ripon College includes among its alumni Harrison Ford, Spencer Tracy, and Al Jarreau.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel notes that the Harris campaign is aware of Ripon’s significance. How shameless can you be, Kamala? You too, Liz.

“The appearance is the Wyoming conservative's first with Harris and comes in the key swing state critical to the path to the White House,” reports the Journal Sentinel. “Cheney said last month that she would vote for Harris in November. Her father, former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney, also endorsed Harris.”

Of course, we know that today’s mainstream media will overhype this event as the most important thing to ever take place in Ripon. Selling out the GOP for the most radical presidential ticket of all time is way more important to the left-wing press than the founding of the Republican Party.

“Whatever Liz Cheney says today about how important it is to elect Kamala Harris will no doubt equal the historical significance of that moment, at least according to Rachel Maddow,” Ben Domenech writes in his “Thunderdome” newsletter for Spectator World.


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Domenech makes note of how Cheney called Harris out for her radicalism over and over when she was in Congress. During the 2020 campaign, Cheney declared, “Kamala Harris is a radical liberal who would raise taxes, take away guns & health insurance, and explode the size and power of the federal gov’t. She wants to recreate America in the image of what’s happening on the streets of Portland & Seattle. We won’t give her the chance.”

What a difference four years — and the world’s worst case of biting the hand that feeds you — makes. These days, Cheney is making a name for herself on the tartest of sour grapes.

For the life of me, I’ll never understand how someone can call himself or herself a conservative and support Harris. It's one thing to not like Donald Trump, but it's a whole other issue to actively campaign for radical leftists like Harris and Tim Walz. Nothing about the Harris-Walz campaign is conservative, so supporting these two candidates requires selling out one's conservatism.

Cheney is an entrenched creature of Washington, which is why she finds herself more at home with Harris and her elitist message than with this year’s Republican ticket. But can she move the needle toward the Dems?


“Here’s the problem: by leaning into the Liz Cheney factor, and prominently citing Dick Cheney’s endorsement (plus Taylor Swift!) as Walz did in the debate, the Harris-Walz effort is falling into the trap of starting the final month of their campaign appealing to voters they already have,” Domenech points out. “There isn’t a single undecided voter out there who Liz Cheney’s presence on the trail will convince to be newly opposed to Trump.”

By appearing with Harris at an event that seeks to thumb its nose at the GOP by taking place in the town where it all began, Cheney is proving her insignificance to the people who used to support and vote for her. She might drag Harris down to the depths of irrelevance with her.


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