An Outsider's Perspective on Kamala Harris

AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson

We all know that Kamala Harris would be an abject disaster for the country. If she only served as a continuation of the policies and incompetence of Joe Biden’s term, she would be horrific, but she’s more radical — even as she tries to run from her past statements.


We’re talking about someone who has floated the notion of price controls, who has pledged to raise taxes, who has criticized allies like Israel, and who has championed fanatical abortion policy. She’s dangerous, and that doesn’t even touch her choice of Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.) as her running mate, which makes the Democrats’ ticket even worse.

She and her willing accomplices in the media have tried to present her as a blank slate. This is scary because it leaves her beholden to the far-left impulses of today’s Democrat Party.

“But the Democrat hive mind knows exactly what Harris would do as president: anything the hive mind wants,” my friend and colleague Stephen Green wrote earlier on Thursday. “More taxes? More DEI? More regulation? More Green New Deal? More Woke? More support for terrorists in Gaza and Iran?”

But what would a Harris presidency mean for our allies? More specifically, how would a Harris-Walz affect the UK? One writer and policy expert has weighed in on how disastrous Harris would be for our British allies as well.

Lee Cohen works for a pair of conservative think tanks in the UK, and he penned a column in The Spectator that details what a Harris administration would mean for Great Britain. He begins by reminding readers that Joe Biden has governed with an anti-UK attitude. Biden’s Irish upbringing, which he has long milked to the point of stereotype, led him to have a low opinion of the UK.


Flashback: Is Biden’s Hatred of the English Showing on His Ireland Trip?

“Biden’s Irish heritage clearly influenced his approach to the UK, with his often-expressed disdain for Britain aligning with his support for the EU and his Irish nationalism,” Cohen writes.

He later adds, “Diplomatic snubs, such as Biden’s absence from King Charles’s coronation, contributed as well to the perception that he holds the UK in low regard. This perceived neglect has registered in Westminster, further undermining trust and leading to questions as to the enduring value of the special relationship.”

Cohen goes into much detail about the Biden years to serve his greater point: that Harris would be even worse. Like Biden, Harris’ background helps to bolster anti-British sentiment:

Harris’s mother was born in India and someone who knew her felt, ‘she could personally identify with the struggles that African-American students were processing and confronting because she came from a society where she understood the oppression of colonialism.’ Harris’s father is known as a ‘Marxist’ economics professor who left Jamaica to work at UC Berkeley.

Cohen recalls Harris’ appearance at a summit with then-Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. The topic of the summit was AI, but Cohen points out that “Harris diverted attention to her own agenda, emphasising immediate concerns like bias and discrimination. Not only did she hijack Rishi Sunak’s event, but she also openly criticised the UK’s approach to AI governance.”


There’s also the matter of one of Harris’ favorite phrases, “unburdened by the past.” Cohen points out how that philosophy would show up in her approach to trade policy, environmental matters, and human rights issues. He states that Harris’ values line up with those of Keir Starmer’s Labour Party, but those ideas aren’t good for Britain or the U.S.

“Biden’s presidency has strained the US-UK alliance and a Harris administration could push it to the brink. But America’s electoral destiny remains undecided,” Cohen concludes. “Donald Trump may yet emerge victorious. His election would give the UK a chance to reset its relationship with America on new terms.”

Let’s hope Trump wins for the sake of the U.S., our allies, and the rest of the world. Here at PJ Media, we’re doing all we can to “unburden” this nation of Kamala Harris. You can help us in this mission by becoming a PJ Media VIP.

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