New Ad Reminds Voters of Biden's Broken Promises as the President Arrives in Atlanta

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Gird your loins, folks. The first 2024 presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is set to take place Thursday night in Atlanta. It’s not clear yet when Biden will fly into Atlanta for debate prep and his Dr. Feelgood injections, but when he does, a new ad aimed at black voters will greet him.


The ad, entitled “Promises,” highlights Biden’s broken promises, especially to black voters, and contrasts them with Trump’s hopeful message of togetherness.

The commercial shows Biden falling (admittedly the low-hanging fruit of campaign 2024) and includes clips of Trump hugging black voters and interacting with black children. The tagline is perfect: WELCOME TO ATLANTA. The ad is set to run all week on digital and streaming platforms in the Atlanta-North Georgia market.

The video is the brainchild of Greater Georgia, the PAC that former senator Kelly Loeffler spearheads to educate voters and elect conservative candidates in the Peach State. The idea is straightforward: to convince metro area voters who are on the fence — especially black voters — how stark the choice is this November.

“According to polls, Americans largely believe the country is on the wrong track,” reads the press release from Greater Georgia. “Black voters are increasingly reporting a sense of loss of economic and personal security.”

The press release gives details of the contrast between the last two administrations: “Besides overseeing an era of peace and low crime, under President Trump, the average annual household income rose over $5,000 while inflation remained low. Under President Biden, amid wars and rising crime, average household costs to maintain the same standard of living are up over $12,000 per year, with income gains well below the pace of inflation.”


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Loeffler issued a statement in conjunction with the release of the ad:

It's no wonder Americans feel less secure and hopeful. After years of record inflation, illegal immigration, and weakness on the world stage, voters have lost faith in the Left’s empty promises - especially voters in diverse communities, who are rejecting the premise that they must vote Democrat when these same officials fail them. 

All Americans understand that the path to prosperity lies in individual freedom, the opportunities offered by free enterprise, and the safety and security families deserve — rather than the pandering and falsehoods Joe Biden is rehearsing for Thursday night. Instead of the promise of more big government, Donald Trump stands for the promise of America’s strength and prosperity — which is the only promise worth believing this November.

Americans can see the writing on the wall. If they're not too partisan to blindly vote for Biden, they know what's up. Hopefully, voters will hold him accountable for his broken promises.


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