
IVF Is Abortion by Another Name

Vyacheslav Argenberg, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

When humans try to play God, large numbers of people usually end up dead. That’s certainly true of IVF, which is not pro-life or pro-family, but mass abortion by another name.

We still two millennia later condemn Caiaphas for justifying Jesus’s execution by asserting (John 11:50): “it is expedient for you that one man should die for the people.” We recoil with horror from the Nazi death camps, the Cambodian killing fields, and the other Communist massacres whose perpetrators argued murder of some is justified if it materially “benefits” others. And yet here in America murder of the most innocent goes on every day through abortion. And in vitro fertilization (IVF), newly expanded by President Trump’s executive order, inherently involves the killing of countless babies in creating the one that parents select as “worthy” of life.

Childlessness is tragic and heartbreaking for many couples, and very understandably so, but IVF is NOT morally justifiable as a solution. Over 90% of the embryos unnaturally created by scientists will be killed, will die, or will be frozen indefinitely (which comes to the same thing). It is not better that the babies should die for one baby; it is not morally permissible to destroy thousands of innocent lives for a few babies to survive. We Americans have always taught the value of each individual life — except, in recent years, babies’ lives. Why are they the exception?

Trump’s EO asserts, “In vitro fertilization (IVF) offers hope to men and women experiencing fertility challenges. Americans need reliable access to IVF and more affordable treatment options, as the cost per cycle can range from $12,000 to $25,000. Providing support, awareness, and access to affordable fertility treatments can help these families navigate their path to parenthood with hope and confidence.” Fertility treatments are lovely (though the federal government shouldn’t be involved), but IVF is a whole different level. It demands abortion as an intrinsic part.

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LifeNews explains why IVF is so morally problematic, citing leading pro-life advocates to do so:

“Only 7% of human embryos created via IVF will result in a live birth,” Live Action President Lila Rose posted on X. “93% of these lives are frozen indefinitely, miscarried, or aborted. Over 1,000,000 embryos are frozen in the U.S. IVF is NOT pro-life.”…

Pro-life advocate and commentator Allie Beth Stuckey additionally expressed several concerns over IVF. “We don’t need to incentivize IVF, which kills more innocent humans tha[n] abortion each year,” she posted. “America is already the wild, Wild West of reproductive technology. Europe & Canada have much better protections for the little lives created through in vitro. Here, eugenics and embryonic destruction & cryopreservation is rampant. No one is entitled to a baby. How we create new life matters.”

We need a society that encourages women to give birth to their children and offer them up for adoption if they’re single mothers; not a society where more people can demand the unnatural creation of numerous babies they will then arbitrarily sentence to life or death. Science can be a marvelous tool for assisting fertility and helping mothers and babies, but IVF isn’t healthcare any more than abortion is.

In fact, IVF is only mass abortion by another name.


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