Democrat elites from Joe Biden to the late Jimmy Carter to Gavin Newsom are the worst sort of snobs; that is, the kind of elitists who believe everything is owed them and that the lives of the peasants are completely unimportant.
It is not surprising, really, that the Democrat Party that was once the party of slave owners and aristocratic plantation owners should now be the party of globalist elites and authoritarians. But whereas Democrats used to restrict their bloodthirsty violence and horrible policymaking to those they considered to be opponents or racially inferior, now they don’t care if even their own voters are destroyed. Witness California, which went up in smoke while the governor plans new rail projects and the LA mayor traveled out of the country. And these two, along with other officials responsible for depriving the area of water and rejecting prevention methods, refuse to claim any responsibility. It’s a repeat of Maui, East Palestine, and North Carolina post-hurricane.
In his brilliant satirical work “The Book of Snobs,” William Makepeace Thackeray ridicules snobs of multiple nationalities, but mostly British snobs. While we in the U.S. do not have a titled aristocracy, Thackeray’s searing satire could just as easily be applied with a few minor edits to the political, media, and business elites of America whose horrible decision making puts us at risk — though the elites don’t care one whit. Nancy Pelosi and Karen Bass and Kamala Harris and their ilk are not in office because they want to help and serve their constituents, but because they want to be powerful and wealthy; and if ever We the People do not give them exactly what they want, they are furious at us for daring to question them, our glorious overlords.
Read Also: U.S. Government Imports Oil From Nations Persecuting Christians
Insert your least favorite politician’s name below:
Lord Longears… Fortune makes you a present of a number of thousand pounds every year. The ineffable wisdom of our ancestors has placed you as a chief and hereditary legislator over me. Our admirable Constitution (the pride of Britons and envy of surrounding nations) obliges me to receive you as my senator, superior, and guardian. Your eldest son, Fitz-Heehaw, is sure of a place in Parliament; your younger sons, the De Brays, will kindly condescend to be post-captains and lieutenants-colonels, and to represent us in foreign courts or to take a good living when it falls convenient. These prizes our admirable Constitution (the pride and envy of, &c.) pronounces to be your due: without count of your dulness, your vices, your selfishness; or your entire incapacity and folly. Dull as you may be (and we have as good a right to assume that my lord is an ass, as the other proposition, that he is an enlightened patriot);—…no one will accuse you of such monstrous folly, as to suppose that you…have any inclination to part with it.
Democrat elites don’t care if your home burns down, your children get assaulted by illegal aliens, or you get killed by re-re-re-released criminals. They take your tax money to fund foreign jihadis while Americans go homeless and hungry. It is your privilege to suffer and die for the good of your Marxist masters. Your life is unimportant, and you shouldn’t even have private property. Put up and shut up, comrade.
As Thackeray said to his archetypical lord, let us retort to each U.S. elite who failed us, “We can't help seeing, Longears, that we are as good as you. We can spell even better; can think quite as rightly; we will not have you for our master, or black your shoes any more. Your footmen do it, but they are paid; and the fellow who comes to get a list of the company when you give a banquet or a dancing breakfast at Longueoreille House, gets money from the newspapers for performing that service. But for us, thank you for nothing, Longears my boy, and we don't wish to pay you any more than we owe.“