Gold Star Family’s Day and the Price of Freedom

U.S. Army, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Today (Sept.29) is Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day, honoring those who had a loved one killed while serving America in the U.S. military.

We have multiple holidays to honor Americans who served. We honor living veterans, we honor Americans who are still serving in the military, and we remember all those service members who have died in combat. It is also right, however, that we remember that every brave soldier who dies leaves parents and family and friends behind, and that we honor these patriots who sacrificed and suffered too in losing their loved ones.


The last Sunday in September has, for almost a century, honored the mothers of fallen heroes. More recently, the holiday was expanded to include all family of fallen U.S. military. 

Millions of Americans have given the last full measure of devotion, from the opening shots of the American Revolution at Lexington and Concord up to our own day, including in the 2021 Kabul airport bombing that claimed the lives of thirteen US military members. For each of those casualties, there are millions more parents, spouses, children, siblings, and other family and friends whose lives were permanently damaged by the losses of their loved ones. That is the price of freedom, and we should never forget it.

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From the U.S. Navy website:

Since 1936, the last Sunday in September has been designated as Gold Star Mother’s Day to recognize and honor those who have lost a child while serving our country in the United States armed forces. In 2009, fallen service members’ families were officially recognized and added by presidential proclamation, renaming the observance to Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day. Each year, the president signs a proclamation reaffirming our commitment to honor the individuals “who carry forward the memories of those willing to lay down their lives for the United States and the liberties for which we stand.”…As we observe Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day, let us all remember that that no one has given more for the nation than the families of the fallen and let them know they will never be forgotten.

For almost 250 years, in domestic and foreign wars, U.S. men have marched to defend liberty, including many men who never returned home again except in a coffin. Because of them, we can live and enjoy constitutional rights and freedoms.


To every mother, father, spouse, child, or sibling of a fallen hero—thank you, and may God comfort you. We will never forget yours and your relatives’ sacrifice.


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