
This Constitution Day, Our Rights Are Under Attack

Constitution Day is Sept. 17, because that is the day in 1787 when the Founders signed one of the greatest political documents in world history. But this year, the holiday is not only a day for celebrating the past, it is a sobering reminder that our most basic and precious rights and liberties are under attack.

The Founding Fathers and their fellow Revolutionaries in the 18th century certainly had to contend with many “Loyalists” opposing them in America, and even traitors within their own ranks (most infamously Benedict Arnold), but their main tyrants were across the sea in England. While the America of today certainly has very dangerous foreign adversaries, the greatest threat to our Constitutional rights is our own government! The Founders would be appalled to see congressmen, bureaucrats, and the White House itself undermining the Constitution and its Bill of Rights. They would also urge us to take action in the political sphere to ensure that the tyrants are kicked out of office.

Unfortunately, most of the U.S. government and its actions now are wildly unconstitutional, but the Biden-Harris administration has set a new standard of radical anti-rights policy-making. Where should I even begin? The First and Second Amendments, of course, are under constant attack, as is the Sixth Amendment.

If you don’t know the latter amendment off the top of your head, it’s important — it guarantees the right to a speedy trial. Many of the Jan. 6 protestors were imprisoned under Biden-Harris for considerable lengths of time, abused and maligned, without trial. J6 prisoner Jake Lang is perhaps the most egregious example; he has been in jail for well over three years without trial, often in solitary confinement beyond the legal limit of days.

RelatedCelebrating Our Republic on Constitution Day, Sept.17

More commonly known now are the persistent and flagrant Biden-Harris administration violations of the right to free speech. We all remember how the First Amendment rights to free speech and freedom of religion were restricted or crushed during the Covid-19 lockdowns (sadly, even under Trump), but the Democrats have doubled down on their censorship craze instead of backing off. Democrats now make no secret of the fact that, yes, government agencies including the FBI and the Biden White House itself collude with social media companies, so suck it up and shut it up, buttercup.

J.D. Vance, Donald Trump’s 2024 running mate, just called out the danger of this anti-free speech agenda after the second assassination attempt on Trump. He accused radical leftists of being so violent in their rhetoric and so aggressive in their censorship that it inevitably leads to physical violence against Republicans. “The message is always the same: don't you dare express an opinion on the public affairs of your nation. The message is: shut up,” Vance emphasized.

He urged, “[R]eject censorship… The reason is simple. The logic of censorship leads directly to one place, for there is only one way to permanently silence a human being: put a bullet in his brain.” Democrats certainly have resorted to that method in the past, with the Civil War, the KKK, the Red Shirts, and Antifa, among other instances.

Then there’s the Biden-Harris administration’s war on guns. From its shady crackdown on gun dealers’ licenses to its propaganda against deceptively labeled “assault weapons” to its Justice Department resource center aiming to restrict gun ownership, this administration has been extremely aggressive about attacking the Second Amendment.

There are, of course, other examples of the Biden-Harris administration’s unconstitutional and anti-constitutional actions, including student loan “forgiveness” and handouts for illegal aliens, but the above gives a snapshot of some of the most shocking and dangerous examples. The main point is that, if we don’t vote these people out of office, and encourage our friends and families to do the same, this could be the last Constitution Day on which we have a Constitution to celebrate.


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