
Walz Under Investigation for Ties to CCP, Our No.1 Foe

AP Photo/Erin Hooley

Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’s dictatorial and unappealing running mate, is under investigation for ties to the Chinese Communist Party, the most dangerous enemy of the United States of America.

Far too many of our politicians from both parties have Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ties now, and so many of our products are made in China that Americans might not fully understand the gravity of the accusation that a potential U.S. vice president has CCP ties. To make comparisons to popular fiction, it would be as if the leader of the Rebel Alliance were an agent for the Emperor or the king of Rohan were secretly under the control of Saruman (okay, that actually happened in the story — and it did almost destroy Rohan). If a stooge of your greatest enemy is in charge of your country, your country will fail.

Indeed, who needs fictional examples? We are practically in that situation now. President Joe Biden, if we can still apply that title to a man who does nothing but sleep on the beach, received money from Communist China, as did his family. His officials have repeatedly gone to China to kowtow to the CCP. And what do we see? Wars sprouting up all over the world, domestic U.S. economic troubles, illegal migrants — including many Chinese, possibly CCP agents— pouring over our borders, and the CCP bullying America and the world. If Walz and Harris were to win this November, these crises could well escalate beyond any repair.

Rep. James Comer (R-Kentucky), head of the House Oversight Committee, explained some of Walz’s known CCP ties on Sept. 12. “In 1993, Mr. Walz organized a trip to the PRC for his Alliance High School students; the costs for the trip were paid in part by the Chinese government,” he wrote. “In 2007, Mr. Walz served not only as a member of Congress but also as a fellow at Macau Polytechnic University. According to the university’s website, Macau Polytechnic University exists ‘in alignment with China’s Belt and Road Initiative,’ a political warfare program developed by President Xi Jinping to exert China’s influence worldwide.”

But wait, there’s more!

As recently as this year, Mr. Walz met with CCP Consul General Zhao Jian to discuss ‘China-U.S. relations and sub-national cooperation.’ Recent reports indicate Mr. Walz, while in Congress, ‘helped secure over $2 million’ and ‘pushed for a $5 million federal earmark’ for the Hormel Institute, which is a ‘Minnesota-based medical research center with a history of working with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.’ The Hormel Institute has also worked with the Beijing Genomics Institute, ‘a group labeled by the Pentagon as a Chinese military company.’ The FBI appears to deem these concerning facts unpersuasive to require its cooperation with a congressional investigation. The FBI told the Committee that the Bureau’s Foreign Influence Task Force investigates this kind of CCP activity. The Committee is concerned that Mr. Walz’s involvement with Chinese entities and officials may have allowed the CCP to influence his decision-making as a congressman and governor and potentially would allow the CCP to influence the White House should Mr. Walz be elected vice president

It is important to note that the CCP, ever the bully, has recently and consistently adopted a tone of unassailable superiority in challenging the USA. For instance, soon after the first of two assassination attempts on anti-CCP candidate Donald Trump, a CCP state media outlet declared “Democratic Party may need to create a miracle to stop Trump from returning to the White House.” But even if Trump did win, the propagandist smugly sneered, he could have little impact on China. The tone, whether genuine or not, is that of a superior state indifferent to the whims of its vassal state. Again, this has consistently been the CCP‘s tone as Biden proves himself weak and pandering.

The genocidal CCP has made no secret of the fact that it hopes to usurp America’s role as dominant world power. The CCP dreams of being the “Middle Kingdom,” by which it means the center of the world. Therefore, it has infiltrated many countries — including the United States of America — and governments. If Walz becomes VP, it could well mean having a literal CCP agent in charge of the country.


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