
CCP Boasts of Its (Genocidal) 103-Year History

AP Photo/Vincent Yu

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP/CPC) released a flowery ode to its own achievements over its more than 100 years of existence. In reality, the CCP has left a bloody trail of mass murder, tyranny, and international espionage.

July 1 is the 103rd anniversary of the CCP’s founding. From Mao Zedong to current Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, the legacy of the Chinese Communist Party is genocide, torture, censorship, and religious persecution. There is absolutely nothing to celebrate about the founding of the most murderous political entity in all of history, but there is a great deal to condemn, deplore, and mourn.

CCP state propaganda outlet Xinhua News published a lengthy article boasting about the Party’s many alleged achievements. The reality, of course, is that it’s nothing more than a verbose list of lies. On poverty, the environment, human rights, global peace, citizens’ input, and every other topic the CCP either stated the opposite of the truth or greatly exaggerated.

“It is imperative to plan and advance reform with a focus on the people's overall, fundamental and long-term interests,” pontificated Xi Jinping, the dictator overseeing a hideously tyrannical regime.

While Western political parties are obsessed with short-term partisan interests even at the cost of people's wellbeing, the CPC focuses on the happiness of the people, making relentless self-reform and self-improvement. It knows well that without the acknowledgment and support of the mass of people, its governance would be like a tree without roots or water without a source.

The CPC's history bears witness to its pursuit of the happiness of the people. As a political party that is of the people, by the people and for the people, it has always regarded the Chinese people as the supreme and ultimate judge of its work.

Ah, yes, the compassionate and noble CCP, which committed or is committing genocide against Tibetans and Uyghur Muslims. Torture, sterilization, forced live organ harvesting, imprisonment, concentration camps, sexual abuse, and death are all punishments that can be inflicted on Muslim minorities and other religious groups (including Christians and Falun Gong), as well as political dissidents, in China under CCP rule.

Furthermore, the CCP runs the world’s worst censorship and surveillance regime, and its mania for control extends to dissidents living abroad.

The CCP openly avows its goals of dominating the world, and especially of replacing the U.S. as dominant global power. Hence, the regime has infiltrated the governments and institutions of many countries, including America. It has funded both politicians and projects, waged economic warfare, propagandized on social media (especially Chinese-owned TikTok), established secretive police stations in dozens of countries, and more.

Yet Xinhua made the mendacious assertion:

China has witnessed profound changes over the modern era that transformed the country from untold sufferings to splendid modernity. History proved that only the CPC could lead the Chinese people in fighting the enemy and winning the revolution. Since then, lives have been saved, humiliation has ended and the destiny of the Chinese people has been illuminated.

What’s particularly disturbing is not so much that the CCP lies, because of course any Marxist government lies, but that so many governmental entities and businesses professing to be democratic or pro-freedom go along with the lies. From the Biden administration to the United Nations to Big Tech companies, Western entities promote CCP propaganda and ignore the 500 million and more victims of the poisonous CCP.


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