
Churchill’s Warning and UK Gov’t Feeding Islamic Radicalism

AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali

Winston Churchill would have wise advice for the socialist tyrants who are now the governing majority party in the UK: pandering to Islamic jihadis only postpones the inevitable day when they try to kill you, too.

Labour is all-in on crushing their citizens in favor of protecting vicious, violent, West-hating Muslim migrants. British subjects can go to jail for posting memes on social media critiquing the Muslim migrant invasion and crime wave. But while the Muslim gangs are happy to go after easy targets on the streets of the UK, they would just as happily kill any of the Labour politicians who praise and shield them from the law.

Winston Churchill, who saved Britain from the Nazis, once said, “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.” That is an accurate description of Labour’s actions in the UK. It is a simple fact of history that whenever a strong enough minority or majority of Muslims has moved into and populated another country, eventually the Muslims launch a Jihad revolution and take over. Lebanon is a modern example. 

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Yet the UK leftists refuse to learn their lesson. The UK Telegraph reported that Labour, already arresting people for supposed hate speech against Muslims, is considering a “controversial” new definition of “Islamophobia.” From the Telegraph:

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner, his deputy, are weighing up a “range of views” about whether to introduce an agreed description of anti-Muslim prejudice.

A definition of Islamophobia would not be legally binding but organisations would be urged to adopt in a similar way to the anti-Semitic definition [previously] accepted.

They say it wouldn’t be legally binding, but what if a judge wants to jail someone considered a political dissident and accuses him of racism and “Islamophobia” based on that definition?

As one example of how this could be abused, Ian Miles Cheong posted on Twitter/X, “A 51-year-old man in Egremont, UK named Lee Joseph Dunn has been thrown in jail for 12 weeks over 3 MEMES. Memes that show images of migrant gangs with a caption saying ‘Coming to a town near you’. This is absolutely insane.” No kidding. Below you can see another instance where a UK man was accused of “anti-Muslim and anti-establishment rhetoric” online. Meanwhile, Muslim migrants who viciously beat or rape people, even children, are quickly released in Britain. Recently, as Muslim gangs roamed UK streets attacking people, police assured Muslims, “We’re here to protect you.”

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The religion of tolerance demands that an endless number of illegal aliens be brought into any Western country. Many of the leftists know that the newcomers will not assimilate, but the leftists also assume that they personally will always be in charge, so it will never matter to them, it will never affect their lives. They are wrong. Like a crocodile, the invasion will simply eat them last.


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