
Rigged Justice: Charges Dropped for 300+ Pro-Hamas Protesters; Pro-Lifer Gets 3-Year Sentence

AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah

Our justice system is broken. Soon after a young mother was sentenced to prison for pro-life activism, a report says charges were dropped for over 300 college students who enthusiastically cheered genocidal terrorists.

The rigged and biased nature of the U.S. (in)justice system has been apparent ever since destructive BLM/Antifa protestors faced little to no consequences for burning down cities while Jan. 6 protestors were arrested in the hundreds and abused in jail. But now, over 300 anti-Semitic, pro-jihad protesters are going free and clear while a pro-life Christian ministry founder is looking at 41 months in prison away from her toddler daughter.

Campus Reform reported that its analysis identified 301 anti-Israel encampment protesters who had their charges dropped by prosecutors recently. Prosecutors dropped charges that included trespassing, battery, resisting a police officer, felony burglary, and occupying a property without consent, among other crimes. Prosecutors apparently see no issue with releasing Jew-hating, terrorist-supporting felons. Below is from Campus Reform’s report:

- School of the Art Institute of Chicago: 80 criminal charges were dropped.

- University of Texas at Austin: 79 criminal charges were dropped. Protesters were attempting to form an encampment.

- Indiana University: 56 criminal charges were dropped.

- Columbia University: 31 criminal charges have been dropped.

- California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt: 27 criminal charges have been dropped.

- University of Minnesota: 9 criminal charges have been dropped.

- University of New Hampshire: 8 criminal charges have been dropped.

- The City University of New York: 7 criminal charges have been dropped.

- Northwestern University: 4 criminal charges have been dropped.

Multiple pro-life activists, however, have had charges trumped up against them under the Biden-Harris administration, and unlike the pro-Hamas protestors, they can expect no special treatment.

Leftists love to say that black lives matter, but pro-life activist Bevelyn Beatty Williams found out the hard way how hypocritical leftists are. The young mother, who runs a charitable Christian ministry and who has a toddler, now faces over three years in jail. The Biden administration claims that Williams’ protest in 2020 blocked access to the abortion “clinic” and therefore violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. 

Williams is accused by the government of “threatening” the abortion clinic staff and hurting one volunteer’s hand when she leaned against the door, but it is significant to note that many violent pro-abort activists faced no consequences for destroying property and/or violating the FACE Act. Williams might have chosen a less-than-ideal tactic in her pro-life activism, but the standards are totally different for pro-aborts.

Williams emphasized that the 41-month sentence would “take me away from my two-year-old daughter for three years,” according to CatholicVote. “Not only is this bond extensive for the accused crime, but [Judge Jennifer Rochan] made it very clear in the courtroom that she was going to [make an] example out of me. The concern of being a young mother, and a stay-at-home mother, was completely disregarded,” Williams said. 

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How absolutely insane is it that this Christian activist and mother could spend three years away from her little daughter, in jail, for a pro-life witness that allegedly involved verbal harassment, while radical terrorist lovers get off Scot-free for their violent activism?

Williams had two abortions and drug use behind her before she was arrested for money laundering and converted to Christianity in jail, CatholicVote reported. Her At the Well ministry provides spiritual and material aid. But, unlike the pro-Hamas campus crazies, she is going to prison. And that’s all you need to know to be certain that Democrats have severely broken our justice system here in America.


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