
Most U.S. Adults Reject Trans Insanity. Now Reclaim Kids from the Propaganda

Tina Fineberg

New poll data shows that a sizable majority of American adults reject transgender propaganda and affirm only two biological sexes. But if we don’t want transgender ideology to destroy our country, we adults had better address the LGBTQ poisoning of kids’ minds, and fast.

All public schools and too many private schools overwhelm kids practically from toddlerhood on with pro-LGBTQ propaganda. The medical profession, the entertainment industry, and the government are all eager to convince kids they can and should cross-dress and surgically carve up their bodies. The question is, what do American adults propose to do about it? Are we developing plans to meet this massive threat to our future, or are we passively or despondently allowing the crisis to daunt us?

Rasmussen Reports published their recent polling data at the start of “Pride Month,” as pro-transgender propaganda seems to be everywhere we go:

72% of American Adults agree with the statement that “there are two genders, male and female,” including 60% who Strongly Agree. Twenty-three percent (23%) disagree, including 13% who Strongly Disagree. These findings are just slightly changed from a year ago, and remain about the same as when we first asked this question in December 2021.

It is disappointing that nearly a fourth of American adults believe the ridiculous proposition that there are more than two sexes (or “genders” as the woke wordsmiths say). But almost three-fourths of Americans are still sane, in spite of the constant and aggressive barrage of lies. This is good news.

The issue I see is that our children, the individuals who will one day presumably be running society, are being indoctrinated against our will and in spite of our beliefs. I personally lucked out by being homeschooled kindergarten through high school, and attending a private Catholic college, so I missed quite a bit of the educational craziness, but I have seen far too many young people of my age or a few years younger whose parents’ careful teaching was completely obliterated by one year of public school or a new iPhone. Teachers, actors, singers, social media influencers, doctors, therapists, and politicians are eager to convince your kid to change his pronouns or cut off her breasts.

Obviously, parents can never entirely ensure their kids won’t go down the rainbow road of wokeness, and many parents don’t have the circumstances that allow them to homeschool. That said, both parents and non-parents — all patriotic and right-minded citizens — need to be asking how we can counteract the leftists’ desperate and perpetual zeal for indoctrination.

Parents should be constantly aware of what schools are teaching their kids; fortunately, it seems many parents are increasingly determined to keep tabs on their kids’ education. And parents: don’t pay for your kids to attend schools or colleges that may have prestigious names, but are nothing more than woke cesspools.

It’s also important to teach at home. From the time we could speak, my grandparents and parents and aunts and uncles talked to my siblings and myself about politics, history, literature, and religion. To draw an example from literature, namely, the great semi-autobiographical novel “To Kill a Mockingbird,” Scout learned so much from her father at home that she could read and think quite well before ever she got to school (where, ironically, her teacher wanted to reverse that learning)! And, of course, “Scout” (Harper Lee) grew up to be a gifted authoress.

For those of us who aren’t parents, there are still ways we can fight for our future. Volunteering for youth programs, voting for candidates who believe in parental rights and biology, organizing or funding historical field trips, and supporting programs or publishers or videos that educate youth well are all options. Groups like Moms for Liberty are making a difference and could do more good with more help. We need more programs, clubs, and content that introduce kids to literary classics, honest history, and thoughtful politics. There are good artists, politicians, writers, and speakers in modern America, but often they struggle to find an audience or funding. We can make that difference. Our future is at stake.


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