New Billboards Tell Abortion Survivor, Regretted Abortion Stories

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One area where Republicans often fail is explaining their side of cultural issues, despite having both more facts and more compassion on their side. A new campaign aims to highlight little-discussed stories of abortion survivors or regretted abortions to support the pro-life message ahead of the 2024 election.


Abortion is not among the top issues for most voters in this election, but a majority of Americans are likewise inclined to be pro-life, so it’s encouraging that some activists are telling the stories that even most Republicans ignore when discussing baby murder. Abortion not only always brutally kills unique and innocent human beings, it is also terrible for the mothers — and fathers. LifeNews reported that a June 7 event in New York City’s Times Square featured stories of individuals who marvelously survived attempted abortions, or individuals who will never stop mourning the abortions of their children.

“We may be a pro-life David to their abortion-loving Goliath, but as a pro-life leader and person of faith, I live those odds every day,” Students for Life of America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins stated. “But we will fight to tell the stories of those who choose life, or in the case of one mourning father, who wanted to choose life. We want voters to know what happens when abortion isn’t how people address profound moments in their lives.”

Hawkins, who is also CEO of Pro-Life Generation (PLG), anchored the Friday media event, LifeNews explained. The outlet added that the Almost Aborted National Campaign from PLG and SFLA will be featured not only in Times Square but also in states with relevant ballot initiatives: Florida, Arizona, Missouri, South Dakota, and Nebraska. The effort further entails a digital marketing campaign and other states could sponsor the billboards too during the campaign’s cycle.


The campaign will feature the tragic reasons abortion activists exploit to promote late-term abortion laws, especially in the advertising already underway. Also participating at the event will be Tommy Kearns, who, in a viral video conversation with Hawkins, told the story of his adored and aborted daughter, Clementine, and the grief he carries for having no voice as a father to save her life.

Hawkins emphasized, “For men who want a voice in the life and death decisions of abortion, voting pro-life first in 2024 is the only option.”

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Faith’s parents were pressured to kill their daughter, the Almost Aborted campaign explains. “When we were pregnant with our fifth child, Faith, we were told that she had Trisomy 18 and should be terminated. Doctors nearly begged us to end her life, spinning up a story of woe and fear. Faith is 15 years old now and is NOT defined by her disabilities. This is our Abortion Coercion story,” the parents say.

Another story highlighted by the campaign is abortion survivor Josiah. “My name is Josiah, and I was Almost Aborted,” his story starts. “An abortionist in South Korea tried to take my life in the first trimester, but it failed and I survived, though with a deformed arm. I once thought of my arm as a symbol that I was disposable. Now, I see it as the reminder of a miracle.” No human life is disposable. Until we return to that belief in America, we are in severe danger of losing our nation’s soul.



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