CA Principal Claims There Are 13 'Genders,' Justifies Drag Queen Discussion in Health Class

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

A California principal, who evidently lives in Fantasyland, informed a concerned parent that there are in fact thirteen gender categories and that it is “age appropriate” to discuss drag queens in a 9th grade health class.


Libs of TikTok tweeted the “scoop,” including a screenshot of the email a parent received from the high school principal in California’s Davis Joint Unified School District (DJUSD). “A parent emailed @DJUSD regarding a lesson on gender identity and the principal responded explaining that there are 13 genders including ‘trigender’ and ‘pangender,’” Libs of TikTok posted.

“Ms. Banuelos sent me the definitions for the SOGIE presentation,” the email begins. “These words and definitions will help you better understand the topics being covered and will help you decide if you want [REDACTED] to be in the lessons on Monday and Tuesday.” This presentation complied with Health Education Content Standards, the principal explained. “All these materials are age appropriate and meets [sic] California standards.”

The email then included a list of terms for the SOGIE slides. SOGIE stands for sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression, according to the California Department of Social Services.


”trans” Trans is an umbrella term for someone who’s [sic] body at birth does not match the gender they feel they are.

”gender-queer” A gender-queer person may feel that they have characteristics of both men and women, or that they do not fit into either gender category.

”gender-fluid” A gender-fluid person does not identify solely as male or female and their gender identity changes over time.

”genderless” Genderless, or Agender, refers to a person who does not identify with gender.

”agender” (see above definition of Genderless)

”bigender” Bigender refers to a person who has two gender identities or a combination of two gender identities.

“tri-gender” A trigender person defines their gender identity in a third category, which is not situated in between man/woman.

”pangender” Pangender is a term for people who feel that they cannot be labeled as female or male in gender.

”non-binary” Non-binary is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity doesn’t sit comfortably with man or woman.

”third-gender categories” Third gender is a term that refers to those who do not identify with being either male or female.

”two-spirit people” In the Native American culture, a person who embodies both masculine and feminine qualities.

”bisexual” A person who is attracted to two genders.

”bi-curious” Someone who is interested in having a sexual experience with a person of the same sex.


The email also discussed “cross-dressers” and “drag queens” and “drag kings.”

I don’t know about you, but in my 9th grade health class we learned only scientific facts about the human body, not unscientific and emotionally based political gibberish. We’re raising a generation of kids who will be functionally illiterate ignoramuses, but who will have imbibed enough woke propaganda to choke a unicorn.

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There are only two sexes, male and female. Gender theory is a ridiculous and unscientific invention of woke modernism. This SOGIE idiocy isn’t “age appropriate,” it’s outright woke grooming.


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