Your President Wants You to 'Join Team Obamacare' and Shut Up About the Website's Problems Already

President Obama has followed up his bizarre Rose Garden Obamacare pitch with an equally bizarre online video. In the video which was sent only to those who have signed up for his campaign email lists, the president again pitches the “tech surge” intended to fix And he appeals for help…?


“I am asking for your help,” he says. “I’m asking you to be a part of Team Obamacare. We won’t be able to reach everyone who deserves the safety and security of affordable health insurance without you.”

What does that even mean? Is he turning Obamacare into a door-to-door Amway campaign now?

“I’m asking you to help tell your friends, families, coworkers, classmates, neighbors and anyone else about what the Affordable Care Act can mean for them.”

Yep. Obamacare is Amway now. Actually, that’s unfair to Amway, which sells lots of useful products, and which actually does pay its salespeople. Obama wants his supporters to become his sales force, for free.

Watch the president’s surreal video here.


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