Did Another Space Rock Crash in Cuba?

According to a translation of two Spanish-language sources, Cubans witnessed a brilliant meteor or meteorite Wednesday.

Here’s the first source, strained through Google Translate.


Residents of a locality ‘in the central region of Cuba said they had seen an object that fell from the sky and exploded with a great noise, which shook the houses of the place: it is learned from testimonies collected by local television.

In a report released this morning by Rodas, town in the province of Cienfuegos, witnesses described a very bright light that has come to have large size, comparable to that of a bus, before exploding in the sky.

More at the link from the workers’ paradise.

It only took two comments for someone to propose that this is all the result of a secret US weapons program.

Which, honestly, would be pretty cool.

More: Russian Meteorite Strike Injures More than 500; Buildings Damaged (Updates: New Video Added)


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