Clinton Easily Wins Kentucky, Obama Cruises in Oregon

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Obama’s speech was the wrong move: “Obama should have given tonight’s speech in Oregon. Even better, he could have come out and said that while he knows many came to celebrate, he felt the appropriate thing to do tonight is to talk a bit about what’s really on his mind, his friend and hero Ted Kennedy.” (Jim Geraghty)


McCainiacs for Clinton (Matthew Yglesias)

Exit polls from Oregon (CNN)

Obama wins Oregon (Fox News)

Obama-Clinton 2008. Put money on it. (John Podhoretz)

In e-mail to supporters, Obama claims pledged delegate lead (Ben Smith)

Not a pretty picture for Dems: “While it wasn’t much of a surprise to see Hillary Clinton win Kentucky, the fact that she won by more than a 2-1 margin (65%-30%, with 91% of the vote in) ought to send a shiver down whatever spine the Democrats have.” (Classical Values)

KY exit poll highlights (RCP)

Why are superdelegates waiting? (Marc Ambinder)

Video of Hillary’s victory speech (NRO)

As for Kentucky: “One of the more troubling numbers coming from there is that the number of Clinton supporters that are promising to defect or vote Republican if Obama wins the nomination is climbing.This will be parroted mostly by Clinton supporters who are striving to build last minute, last ditch arguments to pull a miracle win for their candidate, but the flip side to that argument is that if this number continues to rise, Obama supporters will have a strengthened argument that Clinton’s continued presence in the race is hurting the Democratic nominee.” (Comments From Left Field)

Hillary says she’s staying in race (AP)


Oregon’s funky ‘exit polls’ (Slate)

Racial polarization in KY?: “Obama wins blacks 88/7, Hillary wins whites 72/22, with 21% of voters saying race was important (among whites who said so, Hillary won 86%). To put that in perspective for you, it’s a bigger margin among whites than she had in Mississippi.” (Hot Air)

Liar, Liar: “Chris Matthews just lied on NBC. Clinton won college graduates in Kentucky by 60-34. Matthews lied and said Obama won them. NBC is not a news organization.” (TalkLeft)

Hillary takes Kentucky (CNN)

Live Results: Kentucky (ABC News)

The candidates on Kennedy (RCP Blog)

McCain responds to Obama’s Iran ‘foolishness’ (Blogs for Victo(R)y)

Karl Rove’s sly deal with Fox (Salon)

McKinnon to resign from McCain campaign: “Mark McKinnon, the lead media consultant for Sen. John McCain’s (Ariz.) presidential bid, is stepping down from that role — making good on a pledge he made last year not to work against Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) in the fall campaign.” (The Fix)

John McCain’s Rapid Fire responders (Howard Kurtz)

Ed Koch May Endorse McCain: “Koch says McCain “has no equal” when it comes to opposing Islamic terrorism.” (Newsmax)

Why Clinton Fights On: “In rejecting the chorus of demands that she get out of the race, she is acting as any leader would.” (Richard Cohen)


Chelsea Deploys to Oregon (Statesman Journal)

KY voters urged to check for irregularities: “[Secretary of State] Grayson said in a news release that his office suspects some campaigns and outside groups plan to use ‘poll watchers.'” (Courier-Journal)

The day Bill Clinton came to my home: “I can’t remember the last time a onetime leader of the free world stopped by for a visit to 418 West High Street in Mount Sterling.” (Herald-Leader)

Obama looks ahead, attacks McCain: “The intensified criticism of McCain came as the Obama campaign signaled that it had shifted its attention to the general election, and that it considered the Illinois senator’s bruising Democratic nomination battle with Hillary Rodham Clinton nearly over.” (LA Times)

Fuzzy delegate math: “The closeness of the primary contest between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton has made the mechanics of the primary process itself the central issue of the campaign.” (Jonathan Cohen)

Huge turnout expected in Oregon: “An election-day voter stampede is expected to propel Oregon’s highest primary turnout in 20 years, state officials projected Monday.” (Oregonian)

No nominee yet: “Clinton said Monday that Barack Obama may be getting ahead of himself in acting like the party’s nominee before the final primary contests are over.” (AP)


For Hillary supporters, it’s personal: “We feel undervalued, mistreated and bullied. It’s been an emotional journey.” (Seattle Times)

Hillary builds momentum: She might surprise a lot of people today. (The Strata-Sphere)

Five things to watch in KentuckyAnd in Oregon (Politico)

Hillary: “This is nowhere near over:” “Hillary Clinton, having dramatically toned down her criticism of Barack Obama in recent days, issued a not-so-gentle warning to her surging opponent yesterday.” (Boston Globe)

Hillary Clinton’s parallel universe: “Even if she pulls off a political miracle, it’s closer to the end than the beginning, isn’t it?” (The Swamp)

Obama expected to grab majority of pledged delegates today: “Mr. Obama does not want to appear as if he is pushing Mrs. Clinton out of the race, preferring instead to treat her gracefully as a worthy Democratic fighter, not as a stubborn nemesis.” (NY Times)

Obama’s 16-point lead in national polling is his biggest yet (Gallup)

Both candidates will declare themselves winners: “So tomorrow we will have two declared winners, and no souls, and an Iraq War.” (Wonkette)

The big test for all-mail balloting: “The situation becomes trickier for Oregon because some late party-switchers received two ballots” (Oregon Live)


“Voting by mail was totally awesome! (Momocrats)

Hillary’s claim to the popular vote is creative math (Sister Toldjah)

Clinton’s new stated reason to stay in race – Karl Rove “The argument that superdelegates should tilt to Clinton because Rove’s analysis shows her to be a stronger candidate might not sit well with some superdelegates, Democrats and even pundits.” (The Moderate Voice)

Iowa Democratic chair endorsing Obama (The Trail)

Rumors fly regarding damaging Michelle Obama video (Campaign Spot)


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