PalinTracker: Will She Announce This Weekend?

April 1

Mother Jones, voice of the radical left, asks: Bachmann vs. Palin: Who’s the Better 2012 Candidate? Five reasons they like Bachmann better — entwined with a litany of Palin-bashing.


April 3

Governor Palin’s Statement on Defunding Planned Parenthood

April 4

E!’s True Hollywood Story: Sarah Palin

April 5

Palin offers praise for Ryan’s budget. Her tweet:

There is hope! Serious & necessary leadership rolls out serious & necessary reform proposal. Good start

April 6

Who knew? Department: Palin: The hot new baby name

The number of parents naming girls after Sarah Palin jumped nearly seven-fold after the Mama Grizzly burst onto the national scene, says Sue Kidd at TODAY Moms.

April 8

At Facebook, Palin posts Commander in Chief’s Appalling Action with Our Troops

Why would he play politics at the expense of our troops who are putting everything on the line to protect us? Memo to the President: I doubt the insurgents will stop and wait for a government shutdown to end before resuming actions. You need to fund our troops, sir.

April 13

While The Week asks, Is Sarah Palin a has-been?, Tony Lee writes at Top Ten Reasons Why Sarah Palin is Running for President::

Too often, those who cover Palin do not listen to her words or read her statements, Facebook postings, or tweets. As a result, conventional wisdom holds that Palin is setting herself up to be an entertainer, a conservative money maker, or a right-wing flame thrower who seeks only to rouse up the conservative base and get rich quick off of it. If those who proffer these theories had listened to and read her words closely, they would know that Palin has been telling everyone that she is running for president in 2012. Here are ten reasons why.


April 15

In Oklahoma speaking to 9000 at a Christian women’s conference, Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin urges women to live lives of faith, joy and purpose.

April 16

Palin gives what may be her best speech ever at a Milwaukee Tea Party event — watch in full, along with Andrew Breitbart’s introduction at The Right Scoop.

PalinTracker: Into the Breach!

April 18

Palin rolls out a snappy new website for her political action committee —

At Facebook, Happy Passover

April 21

Palin’s youngest son Trig — who happens to have Down syndrome — has been a major source of newsfeed this month. First a Kentucky professor’s academic paper (“Palin, the Press, and the Fake Pregnancy Rumor:Did a Spiral of Silence Shut Down the Story?“) engenders a rebirth of the who-is-really-Trig’s-mother conspiracy theory, spawning a multitude of columns and blogs.

Second, Jack Stuef — now a *former* Wonkette contributor — posts a beyond-tasteless greeting at the popular website marking Trig’s third birthday with a vile pastiche (URL: that would be considered hate speech if we protected people with disabilities the way we are required to protect gays and lesbians.

Alerted by readers, advertisers immediately begin pulling the plug on their website ads. Resistant at first, Wonkette finally apologizes and eventually — on May 20 — Stuef loses his job.


Why such vitriol? Red State explains: Why They Hate Trig Palin.

April 24

At Facebook, Happy Easter

April 25

PJ Tatler: Sarah Palin keeps getting everything right

April 28

First picture of Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin in HBO’s upcoming film Game Change, directed by Tom Hanks — along with Ms. Moore, an Obama supporter.

May 1

Palin passes up invitation to White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Chooses Life Instead — she speaks at fundraiser for Heroic Media, presenting an award to Lila Rose, the young videographer/activist famous for her sting operations against Planned Parenthood for shielding sexual predators rather than protecting victims:

Planned Parenthood doesn’t empower women, or offer women who find themselves in less than ideal circumstances any kind of real choice. What they offer is not real choice or female health care.

May 2

In California’s Central Valley — beleaguered by government regulation — Palin speaks to a audience friendly to her message:

The topographical diversity of this land, to see God’s creation … for mankind’s responsible use. The only thing standing in the way is a government that doesn’t understand they need to back off.

Some of these folks don’t even know how to grow a potted plant, and they’re going to tell you guys how to grow your crops without water?

May 2

At Facebook, Palin responds to the death of Osama bin Laden on behalf of A Grateful Nation.


In a speech at Colorado Christian University, just outside Denver, Palin explained her foreign policy, notable as the Lamestream Media have been after her for what they see as contradictions between her thumbs-up on bin Laden’s death and thumbs-down on Obama’s Libya intervention. According to Newsmax:

Some of the ideas that the potential GOP candidate for president advanced sounded like the Powell Doctrine. “We should only commit our forces when clear and vital American interests are at stake — period,” Palin said. As for nation-building, it’s a “nice idea in theory” but should not be the driving force for U.S. foreign policy, she said.

A president must be able to articulate “clearly defined objectives” before military action, and “American soldiers must never be put under foreign command,” Palin said.

Sunday’s U.S. attack that killed Osama bin Laden was “an effective use of force,” Palin said, in contrast to the “ill-defined” mission in Libya.

More in-depth analysis from Hot Air: Palin outlines doctrine for use of force, picks new foreign policy adviser

May 4

At a fundraiser for the Exceptional Foundation in Alabama, Sarah Palin talks of Trig as she praises familes of special needs children in Baldwin County.

May 7

MSM Uses Palin’s Own Children as Political Weapons Against Her

Unlike any other politician today, only Palin is forced to deal with watching her private family matters, her very own children, dragged into the political arena and weaponized as political bludgeons against her — even when it comes to discussing and debating serious issues such as Libya. Again, it’s an intentional political tactic meant to keep this Palin-Fury of exhausting personal drama swirling, meant to keep us from taking the MSM’s Public Enemy Number One seriously.


Intriguing titles:

The Tragedy of Sarah Palin, The Lies of Sarah Palin, Why Sarah Palin Scares Them.

May 11

At Facebook, Palin urges Removing the Boot from the Throat of American Businesses

May 14

Palin tweets Israel’s independence:

May 14, 1948, Jewish independence in their homeland called Israel! May Jerusalem be peaceful & prosperous; may our ally’s enemies be silent.

In President Obama Pretends to Channel Sarah Palin, DougRoss@Journal writes:

Using far too many words, the president has — at least verbally — capitulated to the “Drill, Baby, Drill!” exhortations of Sarah Palin.

May 17

“2012 Can’t Come Fast enough” — the title of a fundraising letter sent to 400,000 voters in early primary states, reviving 2012 speculation: Will she, won’t she?

May 18

After David Gregory accused Newt Gingrich of racism for calling Obama “the Food Stamp President” — referring to record numbers of Americans on food stamps — Palin turns the tables: Palin declares Meet the Press host David Gregory’s question to Gingrich racist:

He made it sound like that if you’re black you’re on food stamps and the president is referring to you being on food stamps. I think that’s racist. And you know, enough is enough of this calling out, this racism, these false charges. Obviously, it is done to end the conversation, just to distract, divert attention from what the real substance is and stop the conversation. Here again, enough is enough. Why do we let the press, the media personalities get away with such? Let’s call him out on them and let’s start concentrating on what the real issue is. The real issue is we have 40-something million Americans on food stamps. You know why? Because we don’t have a robust economy allowing the private sector to grow and thrive and have jobs provided via the private sector because government has overreached, overtaxed and overspent and got us in debt and there isn’t enough private sector money out there creating jobs. That needs to be the focus, not allowing David Gregory to falsely charge Newt Gingrich as being a racist because he’s making a statement of fact about how many people are on food stamps.


Refreshing, no?

May 19

Sarah Palin’s Son Track Marries

Palin: “I Do Have The Fire In My Belly”

I am so adamantly supportive of the good traditional things about America and our free enterprise system and I want to make sure that America is put back on the right track and we only do that by defeating Obama in 2012. I have that fire in my belly.

May 20

Palin tweets:

Dear Mr. President, please allow our ally, PM Netanyahu, to respectfully arrive through the front door this time. Thanks, Concerned Americans

May 22

Palin moving to Scottsdale, AZ?

Palin calls Obama The Temporary President

May 25

Palin continues to leak just enough information to keep friends and foes on tenterhooks. The latest:

Palin’s Secret Weapon: New Film to Premiere in June

Within 12 hours of that news, CBS was asking: Is Sarah Palin prepping a presidential run?

May 26

Okay — not the big announcement, but a big announcement:

Palin announces Memorial Day road trip


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