
Breaking Down the Bird Flu Terror Campaign, Pt. IV

AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa

(Continued from Pt. IPt. IIPt. III)

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Child allegedly diagnosed with bird flu — no hospitalization required with full recovery

The whole “no-hospital-required, fully-recovered” part somehow gets buried in the fourth paragraph.

The important part of the whole exercise is the fear-generating headline: “California child is presumed positive for bird flu,” as most liberals who consume CNN as an unbiased news source won’t actually read the article.

Via CNN (emphasis added):

A child in San Francisco who had red eyes and a fever had a probable case of H5N1 bird flu, according to the city’s Department of Public Health.

The case was caught by routine surveillance. When the child developed symptoms, they were checked for RSV, Covid-19 and the flu, and they tested positive for influenza A…

The child did not need to be hospitalized, and they have recovered from their illness. Disease detectives don’t know how the child was exposed to the virus. They say there’s no evidence that the infection spread to anyone else, and the risk to the general public remains low…

Symptoms of bird flu in humans may include red, inflamed eyes, fatigue, fever and headaches.

Related: HHS Set to Roll Out Bird Flu Vaxes by the Millions

“Symptoms of bird flu in humans may include red, inflamed eyes, fatigue, fever and headaches” — so, like the legendary D.C. resident rebutted when Fauci visited the city to decrease black vax hesitancy, “Something like the common flu then, right?”


CDC demands all hospitalized patients with flu undergo bird flu testing

The CDC is now “recommending” that all patients testing positive for flu undergo further testing (using PCR fraud) for bird flu.

Those case numbers aren’t going to juice themselves.

Via CNN (emphasis added):

The CDC is calling on doctors and hospitals to perform subtyping on all hospitalized patients who test positive for influenza A, ideally within 24 hours of admission.

“It’s the subtyping that takes us from knowing that a virus is in the general bucket of ‘influenza A’ to knowing more specifically whether it’s a garden-variety seasonal version of influenza A or, more rarely, a novel version of influenza A like H5N1,” CDC Principal Deputy Director Dr. Nirav Shah said.

Although there is no human-to-human transmission of bird flu in the US and the risk to the general public remains low, there’s a lot of H5N1 virus circulating in animals, as well as usual seasonal flu activity picking up in people, so Shah said it was important to switch to a system that identified potential bird flu cases more quickly.

Related: BREAKING: HHS Cuts Federal Funding to EcoHealth Alliance, ‘Nonprofit’ That Bankrolled Wuhan Lab

The article goes on to illuminate why mRNA shots aren’t going anywhere and why the pimps pushing them (CNN and their pharmaceutical sponsors) desperately need a boogeyman (bird flu) to create a market for them: billions of private and public dollars have already been poured into this technology, and no way are investors going to let it be for naught.

90%, if not all, of future “vaccines” will be mRNA shots or other gene therapies, which aren’t actually vaccines at all, the reason the CDC changed the definition of “vaccine” overnight back in 2021 to accommodate mRNA jabs.


The US Department of Health and Human Services released a playbook this week “that future administrations can use to continue to protect the nation” that it provided the incoming administration, along with summaries of its investments.

One of the newest investments, announced Thursday, was $211 million to support the development and long-term manufacturing capability of an RNA-based vaccine platform technology to combat evolving 21st century biothreats, including bird flu.

Dr. Eric Deeble, who is leading the bird flu response at the US Department of Agriculture, said there are about 300 people dedicated to the response “across the agency.”

Related: UK Mandates Backyard Chicken Registration To Fight Bird Flu

Bird flu testing of hospitalized patients suspected of having the flu sounds reasonable enough — but this, of course, is just to get the camel’s nose under the tent.

You will recall that, at the apex of COVID hysteria, when the Brandon entity was instructed to put the screws to the unvaxxed, it rolled out a nationwide vaccine policy for all companies with more than 100 employees to require once-weekly PCR tests from uninjected workers, enforced with the threat of a $14,000 fine.

Via NBC News, September 10, 2021 (emphasis added):

"We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin," Biden said, making a direct appeal to the 80 million people who he said were still unvaccinated. "Your refusal has cost all of us."

Biden also announced that he asked the Department of Labor to issue an emergency rule requiring all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require any unvaccinated workers to produce a negative Covid test at least once a week. The requirement could carry a $14,000 fine per violation and would affect two-thirds of the country's workforce, a senior administration official said.

With the new Trump administration in charge, we probably won’t see a federal once-per-week bird flu testing regime, even if a full-on pandemic is announced, but that won’t be for lack of trying by the Public Health™ bureaucrats at the federal, state, and local levels, with added pressure coming from the multinational level by the likes of the WHO.  


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