
Politico: Trump Reelection Prospect Terrorizes Permanent Washington

AP Photo/Mark Tenally

The parasitic ghouls who feed off of the revenue collected by force from American taxpayers — who inhabit the most luxurious, wealthiest suburbs in the entire country while the American middle-class withers on the vine — are reportedly consternated at the prospect of a Trump administration redux.

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Via Politico (emphasis added):

Federal employees throughout the executive branch are panicking at the thought of another Trump administration.

Former President Donald Trump has pledged to “demolish the deep state.” His running mate, Ohio Republican Sen. JD Vance, has said Trump ought to fire “every civil servant in the administrative state.” It’s not just campaign-trail bluster. In the waning days of his first administration, Trump sought to make it easier to fire federal employees — a move that was quickly reversed by the Biden administration…

The prospect of a Trump return is shaping how one Interior employee and their spouse — another federal worker — are handling their finances.

“We have stopped doing any money-spending things because what if we’re without jobs in the next year?” the Interior employee said. “We need all the savings we can get.”

That couple has put off buying a new car and paying for needed home repairs, that person said. “We’re both feeling the heaviness of this right now.”

That employee and others interviewed for this story spoke to POLITICO’s E&E News on condition of anonymity because they feared retaliation if a Trump administration takes over in January.

“They’re so vindictive, I can see them going back through E&E News articles and saying, ‘You’re fired,’” the Interior employee said…

Feds’ fears about Trump are justified, said Rep. Gerry Connolly, a Virginia Democrat whose district is packed with government employees.

“Federal employees are rightly concerned about what a second Trump presidency will mean for them and, by extension, for the American people they so dutifully serve,” Connolly said.

Were it so that the reality was as dire for these bureaucrats as the apocalyptic picture they paint!

The image of a cozy federal employee at the IRS — or the HHS, or any of these agencies — shaking with angst about their future once the Bad Orange Man comes to town truly fills my heart with joy. I wish so earnestly that their fears were founded.

Last time around, Trump made #DraintheSwamp a central campaign pledge and then put the swampiest Swamp creatures like John Bolton and Mike Pompeo in key positions in his administration.

We can only hope he’s learned from his mistakes and won’t repeat them.

If I were president, as a personal policy fetish — which I don’t foresee coming to fruition, of course, but I wish Trump would hone in on —addition to controlled demolition of the IRS, the HHS, the Department of Education, and all of the usual targets of the #DraintheSwamp agenda, I would hone in on the Pentagon, which is arguably one of, if not the, most wasteful of all federal institutions and which has failed five consecutive audits yet somehow has escaped any degree of scrutiny from either major party.

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Another important consideration in this whole scenario is that the lavishly financed and deeply entrenched interests that would be the target of a wholesale cleansing of the administrative state aren’t likely to go without a fight — likely, conceivably, fomenting any number of crises to thwart Trump’s efforts, including all-out nuclear holocaust with Russia or Pandemic 2.0, which has been promised for years now.  

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So whatever happens, we’re in for a hell of a fight, even if things go well on November 5.


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