
When Richard Nixon Went Off the PC Reservation

AP Photo, File

I’m mostly agnostic on the question of Richard Nixon in terms of the merits of his presidency.

It seems, to me, well-established that he was ethically challenged in many regards (as most, if not all, politicians of that echelon were) and equally well-established that elements of the permanent state wanted very much to get rid of him for reasons not entirely on the level.

Politics is a dirty game, folks. No malarkey.  

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But none of that is what I’d like to litigate today.

Today, we’re memorializing a bygone era when a sitting U.S. president could generalize in the most uncouth terms about the women of an entire ethnic group with no real consequences — at a time when, even had the contents of that conversation leaked, a federal case would never have been made out of it like happened with the “grab ‘em by the ****y” Trump tape.

Via Deccan Herald (emphasis added):

As Americans grapple with problems of racism and power, a newly declassified trove of White House tapes provides startling evidence of the bigotry voiced by President Richard M Nixon and Henry Kissinger, his national security adviser.
 The full content of these tapes reveal how US policy toward South Asia under Mr. Nixon was influenced by his hatred of, and sexual repulsion toward, Indians. 

These new tapes are about one of the grimmest episodes of the Cold War, which brought ruin to Bangladesh in 1971. At that time, India tilted heavily toward the Soviet Union while a military dictatorship in Pakistan backed the United States. Pakistan flanked India on two sides: West Pakistan and the more populous, and mostly Bengali, East Pakistan...

It was stunning to hear a conversation between Mr. Nixon, Mr. Kissinger and H.R. Haldeman, the White House chief of staff, in the Oval Office in June 1971. “Undoubtedly the most unattractive women in the world are the Indian women,” said Mr. Nixon. “Undoubtedly,” he repeated, with a venomous tone. 

He continued, “The most sexless, nothing, these people. I mean, people say, what about the Black Africans? Well, you can see something, the vitality there, I mean they have a little animallike charm, but God, those Indians, ack, pathetic. Uch.”…

Mr. Nixon said: “To me, they turn me off. How the hell do they turn other people on, Henry? Tell me.” Mr. Kissinger’s response is inaudible, but it did not discourage the president from his theme.

Just imagine, if you might, the endless years of Antifa riots that would ensue if comments remotely like this made by Trump were leaked in 2024. Imagine the pearl-clutching back-to-back-to-back MSNBC segments full of offended menopausal women.

Gynecological marches of millions of Karens in P***y Hats would descend on the National Monument.

Al Sharpton’s corpse would be out with a bullhorn demanding his head.

CNN would milk it for a whole year, at least.

BLM would rake in a few billion more dollars in cash so its leadership could buy new sprawling properties.

Hours of congressional hearings would ensue.

Endowments to the NAACP would be pledged.


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