
The Lincoln Project Calls for Prosecutions Over RFK-Trump Endorsement

The Democrat operatives at The Lincoln Project, who take cash from Blue MAGA and sexually harass underage boys online while pretending to be principled Republicans, are now demanding that AG Merrick Garland look into prosecuting Trump for allegedly violating an obscure and never-before-prosecuted federal statute outlawing trading endorsements for cabinet positions.

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Via The Lincoln Project (emphasis added):

RFK Jr has confirmed that he not only spoke with Trump on July 13, 2024, but met with Trump the following day in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

After his first discussion with Trump, RFK Jr attempted to speak with Harris as well. It is currently not publicly known how RFK Jr attempted to contact Harris, whether he did so himself personally or through campaign staff, and with whom in Harris’ campaign those attempts were made. Similarly, it is not publicly known what specific ask or request RFK Jr attempted to relay to Harris. 

The only fact confirmed by RFK Jr in public is that Harris never spoke with him. As RFK Jr said, “Vice President Harris declined to meet or even speak with me.”

After being rebuffed by Harris, RFK Jr engaged in subsequent discussions with Trump and his staff, including a trip to Florida several weeks later. 

Contemporaneous allegations, unconfirmed but investigatable, suggest that at some point Trump offered RFK Jr a public office in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”), up to and including the position of Secretary of HHS, in exchange for RFK Jr’s endorsement of Trump in the 2024 presidential election. For example, RFK Jr’s own family member recently wrote in the Washington Post, “... my cousin, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., endorsed Donal [sic] Trump, reportedly in exchange for a Cabinet-level position overseeing efforts in the health arena.”

Quoting RFK Jr.’s family, who have repeatedly put a hatchet in his back in public, as evidence of his guilt is weaksauce.

Because the Lincoln Project is aware of its own hypocrisy—trading endorsements for appointments is a practice as old as politics itself—it concedes that not a single politician in U.S. history has ever been prosecuted under this statute.

To our knowledge, the DOJ has never prosecuted a violation of Section 559 and prosecution under Section 600 is also rare. But America has also never had a felon indicted and convicted for interfering with an election run for president before, either. Under the circumstances listed above, an investigation is more than warranted.

The law referenced in the letter reads as follows, via Legal Information Institute:

Whoever, being a candidate, directly or indirectly promises or pledges the appointment, or the use of his influence or support for the appointment of any person to any public or private position or employment, for the purpose of procuring support in his candidacy shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

If they want to set this precedent, let’s go for it. Pete Bootyjudge will need to be subpoenaed ASAP to turn over all of his communications with the Brandon entity back in 2020, when he got the call from Obama to drop out, endorsed Biden, and magically became Transportation secretary with no experience. The same was true for Hillary Clinton in 2008 when she got the secretary of State position. The same is true for virtually every politician in American history.


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