
‘Pro-Abortion’ Unhinged Daily Show Creator Spills the Beans

AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis

For as long as I can recall — which is a while because, although I’m only 37, I was a weird kid who used to watch Bill O’Reilly back when he was on Fox News for fun in high school — the leftist company line on abortion has been “safe, legal, and rare.”

Related: NPR Releases Hardcore Abortion Porn Audio to Savor on Your Morning Commute

Which, even many pro-lifers might concede, is a slogan that makes sense from a politicking perspective. Abortion is not pretty, to say the least — and it certainly shouldn’t be celebrated as some act of feminist empowerment or whatever — but many people of good faith don’t necessarily trust the government to get into the business of regulating what people do with their bodies and do it right, even in the tricky moral situation of a life within a life.

But whatever. The point here isn’t to litigate the issue; I know a lot of people, particularly of the Christian faith, view abortion as murder, full-stop, which I respect.

(As a side note, another catchphrase abortion activists traditionally employed was “my body, my choice,” but that went out of the window during the COVID shot mandates, so, as far as I can tell, they’ve abandoned that one because they can’t square their hypocrisy, abortion activists being universally vax totalitarians.)

All that to say: “safe, legal, and rare” is at least an understandable marketing strategy.

However, that is no longer the company line as things have devolved into a full-on orgiastic embrace of abortion as a neoliberal rite.

Whatever the impetus, abortion activists now reject the label “pro-choice” and term themselves “pro-abortion,” as explained in the video below featuring Daily Show creator Lizz Winstead at the DNC convention. She also deems abortion a “moral good.”

Maybe the things this lady says are what they’ve always believed and never felt the social license to say out loud, or maybe leftists have simply gotten more insane — or maybe both.  

Winstead is a self-described “abortion comedian” who has parlayed her activism into a career for herself, crisscrossing the country to promote abortions in red states that have restricted access to them.

Via Vanity Fair (emphasis added):

Lizz Winstead, a cocreator (with Madeleine Smithberg) of The Daily Show… is the centerpiece of the harrowing and hilarious documentary No One Asked You, which will be screening in eight locations on June 24, a date Winstead and her colleagues in the Abortion Access Front are calling “the Overturniversary.” Many of the screenings are taking place in states where abortion has effectively become illegal or will be on the ballot this fall—and one screening will be in Jackson, Mississippi, where the state’s last abortion clinic was central to the Dobbs ruling…

In 2015, she founded what was originally named Lady Parts Justice League as a vehicle to channel outrage, raise money, train activists, promote safe and easy access to reproductive care…

“Plus,” Winstead says, “becoming the abortion comedian is a great career move. Super lucrative, your phone never stops ringing with job offers, and you’re going to make millions of friends.”…

One of the documentary’s greatest strengths is that it takes abortion out of the abstract ideological shout-fest and humanizes the issue.

The callousness and soullessness of these people knows no bounds.


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