
Celebrity Pseudoscientist Neal deGrasse Tyson Does Trans Propaganda Nonsense

Michael Caterina/South Bend Tribune via AP, File

On account of diversity, Neal deGrasse Tyson is the corporate state media’s darling “scientist” to roll out whenever it has an agenda du jour it would like to promote under the veneer of academic rigor.

The problem, which most DEI communications hires suffer from (Karine Jean-Pierre), is that, while he performs alright face-to-face with a friendly so-called journalist in the corporate state media who delivers him softballs, his silly nonsense doesn’t hold up to scrutiny in the face of even marginally enlightened non-scientists who deploy the slightest bit of critical thinking.  

          Related: Major LGBTQ Activist Charged With Dozens of Crimes Against Children

(Isn’t it a weird indictment of American politics that, knowing what one thinks about the alleged pandemic and the vaccines that weren’t really vaccines, one can almost with 100% accuracy guess what their views on transgenderism are?)

Here is Tyson explaining that, in fact, XX and XY chromosomes are “insufficient” as markers of sex because psychologically afflicted individuals with male genitalia might decide to slip on a fresh set of panties, put on “I Feel Like a Woman,” and dance the night away with their boyfriend before indulging in a bit of prison action.

So, that would be the XX chromosome incarnation of said individual.

Then, the next day, when they don the muscle shirt, they’re back to XY chromosomal masculinity just like that.

This is clearly how The Science™ works. Please clap.

Via Spiked (emphasis added):

Tyson had previously suggested that gender is largely a matter of how you feel when you wake up in the morning. Tomorrow, he suggested, he might feel ‘80 per cent male’. It’s also about how you choose to express that feeling to the world, such as through long hair and make-up, or by wearing a ‘muscle shirt’…

Tyson seemed to think the trans debate was still just about the dressing-up box. But, as host Konstantin Kisin made clear during their conversation, no one wants to restrict what people wear. The point made by most critics of the trans movement is that protected sex-based categories have been established for good reasons. If these can just be sidestepped, like a legal Maginot Line, by the simple expedient of marching through the Ardennes of ‘feelings’ and ‘self-expression’, then that can do serious damage to society and to women’s rights, in particular.

A classic blunder — like starting a land war in Asia. What is on display here is a very sad and transparent bit of sophistry in which Tyson conflates biological sex and gender, a social designation, and hopes the audience of retarded zoomers who lap it up are too dumb to ever notice, or too far gone to care.

Biological men can dress up in the prettiest pink pastels and blacken their eyes with the hottest Kardashian-sponsored mascara on the market to their effeminate hearts’ content; their DNA does not change. And until The Science™ figures out how to accomplish that — and let’s not put it past them — no amount of dress-up will remedy the sex prison that transgenders imagine for themselves.


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