Major LGBTQ Activist Charged With Dozens of Crimes Against Children


It turns out sacred migrants aren’t the only ones going to work on the UK’s children — the alphabet people are also very active in this particular sector.

          Related: WHO Promotes 'Early Childhood Masturbation' in Official Sex Ed Guidance


Via Reduxx (emphasis added):

The founder of the largest Pride organization in Surrey, UK, has been charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse against children. Stephen Ireland, 40, was arrested on Wednesday along with one of the volunteers from his organization, David Sutton, 26.

According to Surrey Police, Ireland and Sutton, both of whom worked with local pride organization Pride in Surrey, have jointly been charged with 15 offenses, including:

  • Six counts of conspiracy to sexually assault a child;
  • One count of conspiracy to kidnap a child;
  • Four counts of arranging the commission of a child sex offence;
  • One count of conspiracy to administer a substance with intent;
  • One count of publishing an obscene article;
  • One count of voyeurism;
  • One count of perverting the course of justice.

That’s quite a lengthy list of criminality against children, even by UK Muslim grooming standards. But let’s not dare call them “groomers,” right?

But wait, there’s more!

Ireland has been further charged with an additional 22 offenses of a serious nature, including the rape of a child, the sexual assault of a child, six counts of making indecent photographs of children, two count of possessing prohibited images of children, and more.

In all cases, the victim is said to be under the age of 13.

These alleged offenses occurred for nearly two years, from 2022 to this year.

I have previously covered the work of an NGO called the Prostasia Foundation, which plays host to what it calls a “[Minor-Attracted Persons] Support Club (MSC),” the stated purpose of which is to foster a “safe, chat-based peer-support network for teenagers and adults who self-identify as being attracted to younger minors.”


The communications director it hired in 2021, Noah Berlatsky, cloaks the “identity” of MAPs in the auspices of Social Justice™: “pedophilia as an identity can be and often is conflated with and attached to the identity of other hated identities; Jewish people, Black people, LGBT people.”

Editor’s note: This article is virtually guaranteed to be demonetized by Google on “hate speech” grounds or whatever imaginary offense their current terms of service prohibit. 

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