
European Union Rolls Out EU-Wide Digital Vax ID Pilot Program

Olivier Hoslet/Pool Photo via AP

While the world largely went back to sleep after the lockdowns, mandates, and masking requirements were abandoned (temporarily) over the last couple of years, the technocrats have been hard at work quietly installing the necessary technological and legal infrastructure in preparation for the next pandemic go-around — so that resistance truly will be futile next time.

COVID-19 was not an aberration when the world went briefly insane before regaining its senses; it was a test run to see what the governing authorities could get away with, an experiment to suss out how best to engineer greater social control when they inevitably do it all over again, only hopefully with a lab-engineered virus that dwarfs SARS-CoV-2 in its lethality and communicability.

Related: Bird Flu Engineered to Infect Humans Could Be Lab-Produced ‘in Months,’ Former CDC Director Says

The global digital vax ID agenda never went away, even if it fell largely out of the news cycle (it never fell off my radar, for the record, and it shouldn’t have fallen off of anyone’s who cares about civil liberties, not as a political football but as the bedrock of Western civilization).

As of September, Europe is poised to introduce its serfs to a brand-new techno-hell.

Via Vaccines Today (emphasis added):

Despite decades of awareness, zoonotic diseases – those transmitted from animals to humans – continue to pose a significant threat to global health. In the face of the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, our global lack of preparedness for such outbreaks became starkly apparent…

As Europe transitions from emergency measures to long-term COVID-19 management, there is a critical opportunity to strengthen resilience and increase preparedness for future health threats. The European Vaccination Beyond COVID-19 (EUVABECO) project seeks to leverage this momentum…

One key tool that EUVABECO will introduce is the European Vaccination Card (EVC). Scheduled for launch in September 2024, the EVC will initially be piloted in five pilot countries: Latvia, Greece, Belgium, Germany, and Portugal. The card aims to empower individuals by consolidating all their vaccination data in one easily accessible location. It will be available in various formats, including printed cards, mailed copies, and digital versions for smartphones…

Consider the example of Anna, a 27-year-old nurse who recently moved from Bremaria to Morvania with her family. In her new country, Anna needs to provide her vaccination history to comply with local regulations. Using the European Vaccination Card (EVC), Anna can seamlessly transfer her records. She goes online, creates an EVC account with the provider of her choice, and enters her vaccination data from Bremaria.

Via EUVABECO (emphasis added):

The [European Vaccination Card] piloted by EUVABECO will use the GDHCN’s trust network, allowing Member States to bilaterally verify the authenticity of digital records through an interoperable trust architecture*. While similar to the EU Digital COVID Certificate in being a portable vaccination record, the EVC serves a different purpose. Unlike the certificate, which often fulfilled legal or health mandates, the EVC is specifically designed to empower individuals by granting them control over their vaccination information. This empowerment is crucial for ensuring continuity of care for those crossing borders or transitioning between healthcare systems.

The EVC will be available in various formats—produced on-site, mailed, or digitally downloaded to a smartphone—making it easily accessible and displayable as needed. It will feature comprehensive vaccine history information, including detailed textual records, a scannable QR code, and downloadable embedded metadata. These digital elements, the QR code and metadata, will be securely signed to maintain their authenticity and integrity. Additionally, each vaccine record will be linked to an original master record maintained by a credible health organization, ensuring the data is reliable.

Upon implementation, the EVC will enable individuals to personally manage, access, and control the dissemination of their vaccination data, adhering to privacy regulations that mandate explicit consent for data sharing. Users will have the capability to present the card, which contains their vaccination details, to healthcare professionals and related personnel. Health professionals can then scan the QR code or access the metadata from the card file to include, evaluate, supplement, and confirm vaccination entries within their Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. This process ensures that individuals maintain full control over their health information while preserving the integrity and confidentiality of their medical records.

To realize this ambitious initiative, EUVABECO’s partner organizations in Latvia (Riga Stradins University), Greece (University of Thessaly), Belgium (Fratem), Germany (University of Saarland), and Portugal (General Health Directorate) are now working alongside EUVABECO’s EVC specialists. The successful rollout of the EVC system will depend on dynamic interactions among various stakeholders and system components, including an electronic Patient Information Leaflet (ePIL) server, a terminology server, a global registries directory, health jurisdiction registry, and a master records repository.

The EU today, the U.S. tomorrow.

Who really believes that Kamala Harris wouldn’t jump on the digital vax ID bandwagon if the pharmaceutical industry didn’t wave enough cash in her face?


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