
You Won’t Believe It’s Not…

American Dairy Association Mideast via AP

The Science™ led me to believe that CO2 is a tool of Satan, ironically unleashed to wreck life on Earth that is itself made out of CO2, yet it’s apparently kosher to manufacture “butter” out of it and sell it for a hellacious premium to liberal rubes at Whole Foods.

And you’ll be absolutely shocked to learn who is behind the rollout of “dairy-free alternative taste” Climate Change™ “butter.”

RelatedStudy: The Science™ Pins Climate Change™ on Human Breathing

Via The Guardian (emphasis added)

Butter made from air instead of cows? A California-based startup claims to have worked out a complex process that eliminates the need for the animals while making its dairy-free alternative taste just as good.

Savor, backed by the Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, has been experimenting with creating dairy-free alternatives to ice-cream, cheese, and milk by utilising a thermochemical process that allows it to build fat molecules, creating chains of carbon dioxide, hydrogen and oxygen*. The company has now announced a new animal-free butter alternative.

Reducing meat and dairy consumption is one of the key ways that humanity can reduce its environmental impact, as livestock production is a significant source of greenhouse gases, and Savor says its products will have a significantly lower carbon footprint than animal-based ones. The “butter” could potentially come in at less than 0.8g CO2 equivalent per calorie. The standard climate footprint of real unsalted butter with 80% fat is approximately 2.4g CO2 equivalent per calorie.

*Nothing says “mom’s down-home cooking” like “fat molecules, creating chains of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and oxygen.”

Bill Gates is optimistic that the American palate can be sufficiently manipulated to not know the difference between his lab concoction and actual butter because, he explains, “chemically” it’s “the real thing.”


The question now is whether buyers will take to such synthetic fats. Getting people to give up their favourite dairy and meat items for more “experimental” foods may pose a challenge.

Advocating for the initiative in an online blogpost, Gates wrote: “The idea of switching to lab-made fats and oils may seem strange at first. But their potential to significantly reduce our carbon footprint is immense. By harnessing proven technologies and processes, we get one step closer to achieving our climate goals.

“The process doesn’t release any greenhouse gases, and it uses no farmland and less than a thousandth of the water that traditional agriculture does. And most important, it tastes really good – like the real thing, because chemically it is.”

It’s a virtual guarantee that neither Bill Gates nor any of the mad scientists developing this crap, which I would bet money will turn out to produce turbo-cancer, will ever consume any of it. They’ll be eating real butter from their personal stock of cattle while the peasants get sickened and die.

I am forced to recollect the scene from the iconic and wildly prescient dystopian film “V For Vendetta” when Natalie Portman’s character first tastes real butter that V pilfered from a government train destined for the dictatorial chancellor’s residence. This is likely our future unless things turn around fast.


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