
New York: Human Walruses Commandeer Entire Beach for ‘Fat Beach Day’

Ryan Kingsbery/U.S. Geological Survey via AP

To combat “fat-phobia” and “reclaim safe spaces” for the morbidly obese “community” and to “honor plus-size culture,” fat activists recently commandeered an entire New York beach for a “Fat Beach Day” celebration that “coincided with Pride month.”

Remarkable stuff, this word salad of Social Justice™ nonsense coming your way.

Related: ‘Body Positivity’ Activist Claims ‘Obesity’ Is a Fatphobic Slur

Via The Guardian (emphasis added):

Fat Beach Day events are springing up across the US in an effort to fight back against fat-phobia, reclaim safe spaces for the community and honor plus-size culture*. Today, one of these celebrations is being held to coincide with Pride month at Jacob Riis Beach in New York, a location deeply ensconced in the city’s activism space.

“We’re going through something culturally that is impacting us every day on an individual level and a systemic level**,” said Jordan Underwood, the event organizer. “We’re really trying to open up a space for people to be themselves.”

Underwood, a plus-size model, artist and activist, described being bullied for their weight as far back as middle school. Consistent hate, cruelty and harmful rhetoric from fellow students led to them setting up a blog at 12 years old, which became a place where they documented their experiences and made sense of what they were going through. In many ways, this marked the beginning of their journey into what they denote as “fat activism.”

*Apparently, morbid obesity is now a “culture” in which butterballs are somehow united by their BMI in a “community” — and not just any culture or community, but one that requires special set-asides like an entire beach getting walled off to the non-fats so these human-walrus hybrids can sunbathe on the rocks unmolested by the judgmental eyes of anyone under 300 pounds.

**Again with the “systemic” talk. These people absolutely adore the term “systemic” when discussing whatever alleged discrimination against whatever alleged protected identity class even though none of them likely have any idea what it actually means.

What “systemic” means in practice is that academics, lawyers, and “advocacy groups” are about to rewrite “anti-discrimination” laws and create even more protected classes based on weird identity categories.

The push is already underway to make “weight discrimination” an unlawful act by the “body positivity” movement or whatever it calls itself (the terms change with the seasons).

Via Obesity (Silver Spring) (emphasis added):

The steady rise in the prevalence of obesity has had a negative impact for people living with obesity. These include healthcare and social disparities that lead to diminished quality of life and social prosperity. Even though discrimination based on weight has a negative impact on people’s health and wellness, there is only one state in the U.S – Michigan – that has an anti-weight discrimination law. Massachusetts, in addition to some of the cities in the U.S. have been working to ensure that weight is added as a civil protection over the years. This perspective describes the importance of a weight discrimination law in the U.S. as well as summarizes the currently existing protections in the country.

Continuing via The Guardian:

New York has, for decades, been at the heart of the fat acceptance movement. In the 1960s, about 500 protesters held a “fat-in” in Central Park, burning diet books and photographs of the supermodel Twiggy, to publicly encourage body positivity and liberation.

In recent years, after organized activism, legislation has been passed to prohibit weight discrimination. New York’s mayor, Eric Adams, signed a bill in 2023 to ban weight discrimination in hiring and housing. Until then, you could be fired in New York for being overweight.


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