
Feminist Promotes Male Castration for Public Health™

AP Photo/Mitch Stacy, File

It’s come to this.

This has been a long while in the works.

And here we are — I would say at the apex of feminism, but they’ve proven the capacity to go beyond all reason and top themselves over and over, so maybe this is just the mid-point of feminism.

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Via The Guardian (emphasis added):

Cat Bohannon, the celebrated author of Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution*, said men went through life “smuggling two little death nuggets”, with research suggesting an orchiectomy can lend a few more precious years.

Speaking at the Hay festival on Friday, Bohannon said castration was a “way to make male mammals live longer”. This effect was observed in American men in the mid-20th century who were institutionalised, usually because of mental illness, and castrated, and in Korean eunuchs. The castrated men lived longer than their “regularly balled peers”.

“You can castrate it. Cut off its balls. Don’t try this at home,” added Bohannon, a researcher with a PhD from Columbia University in the evolution of narrative and cognition.

While it used to be thought that the average lifespan discrepancy was behavioural – “dumb boys doing dumb boy stuff” – it in fact “seems to have something deeply to do with the immune system and cellular repair”, she said. Males “get more infections” across their lifespan and “more cancer, and the prognoses in many cases tend to be a bit worse”.

*Here is how the publisher summarizes Cat Lady Bohannon’s smash-hit treatise, so you can be sure she’s totally not an unhinged critical gender theory lunatic:

We have to put the female body in the picture. If we don't, it's not just feminism that's compromised. Modern medicine, neurobiology, paleoanthropology, even evolutionary biology all take a hit when we ignore the fact that half of us have breasts**. So it's time we talk about breasts. Breasts, and blood, and fat, and vaginas, and wombs—all of it. How they came to be and how we live with them now, no matter how weird or hilarious the truth is.”

Eve is not only a sweeping revision of human history, it’s an urgent and necessary corrective for a world that has focused primarily on the male body for far too long.

**The idea that modern medicine “ignores” women’s breasts is so absurd that it shouldn’t require countering. Billions of dollars of research into breast cancer are literally spent every year. Entire foundations and medical school departments are devoted solely to women’s breast health.

The evidence offered for the male castration narrative, which runs counter to everything we know about the critical role that sex hormones play in promoting long-term health, that castration is a Public Health™ boon comes via Current Biology:

Although many studies have shown that there are trade-offs between longevity and reproduction, whether such trade-offs exist in humans has been a matter of debate. In many species, including humans, males live shorter than females, which could be due to the action of male sex hormones. Castration, which removes the source of male sex hormones, prolongs male lifespan in many animals, but this issue has been debated in humans. To examine the effects of castration on longevity, we analyzed the lifespan of historical Korean eunuchs. Korean eunuchs preserved their lineage by adopting castrated boys. We studied the genealogy records of Korean eunuchs and determined the lifespan of 81 eunuchs. The average lifespan of eunuchs was 70.0 ± 1.76 years, which was 14.4–19.1 years longer than the lifespan of non-castrated men of similar socio-economic status. Our study supports the idea that male sex hormones decrease the lifespan of men.

Methodology issues? The sample size was tiny, the subjects weren’t even living, and it was only their genealogy records that were studied; nothing was said of their quality of life, nor did the Cat lady mention it because of course she not only doesn’t care about improving men’s quality of life but probably enjoys very much diminishing it.


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