
Ramaswamy Goes Gloves-Off With Corrupt Neocon Nikki Haley

AP Photo/Morry Gash

Ramaswamy has gone totally balls-to-the-wall on the most distasteful, perhaps, of all of his GOP Swamp rivals in a recent interview with Glenn Greenwald:

You have somebody who claims to be an accountant, never obtained a CPA, but anyway, is in debt, drowning in debt at the time she leaves the UN and then in a few short years becomes a military contractor whose business address is her home address, which is, you know, interesting… gives secretive speeches including to foreign actors and domestic actors like, joins the board of Boeing, a company for whom she has done special favors her entire career as governor of South Carolina, and what do you know?... She’s collecting corporate stock options during this presidential campaign, as far as I know unprecedented for someone who’s running for U.S. president literally while on the campaign, now emerges a multi-millionaire. That’s corrupt. There’s no other word for it.

No other word for it, indeed.

RelatedHow Did Nikki Haley Increase Her Wealth by Tens of Millions in a Few Short Years?

This is not 2004. Fortunately, Haley seems to have hit her ceiling with the GOP base at a solid 10% according to most polls. She’d frankly probably do better with the Democrat base, as she’s been playing up her intersectional identity as a sacred Woman of Color™ of late, which I have reported on previously at PJ Media. Her heels are “ammunition,” as she likes to say (whatever that means).

The well of hatred for people like Nimarata Randhawa, AKA Nikki Haley, that I draw from knows no bottom.

Harry Truman once noted that only criminals get rich off of their “public service,” and I wholeheartedly agree. And that was before Dwight D. Eisenhower warned on his way out of office of the growing threat of the military-industrial complex.

If it were up to me, Haley would have been investigated years ago for pay-to-play corruption, duly processed through the legal system, and disposed of, hopefully lethally.

Think what you will about the communist governments of places like Vietnam — and I don’t consider them the ideal — but they at least make a show of prosecuting corrupt public officials in the name of the public interest. They appear, at the very least, to have a healthy fear of public anger over unchecked government vice. On the other hand, in the United States, the most corrupt of them all (Joseph Brandon) is elevated to the position of president as a reward for his lifetime of corruption (and his family’s).

Never mind that we fought a literal war over taxes on things like tea that were too high, or that the Founding Fathers like Thomas Jefferson prescribed literal revolution from time to time to “refresh the tree of liberty.” This is the New America™, in which we celebrate our technocratic overlords and lavish them with power and money.

God help Donald Trump if he picks Haley as VP. While I consider it a distant possibility, he will be under immense pressure to tick some diversity boxes off with his selection, and Haley is both a woman (although not a lady) and an Indian-American, making her an intersectional two-fer.


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