March 2021 Flashback: CDC Director Warns of Impending Doom, Promises Return to Normal Imminent if Everyone Gets Vaxxed

AP Photo/Susan Walsh, Pool

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”—H.L. Mencken


Periodically reviewing the Public Health™ lies of the previous two years is instructive, so as to illustrate the manner in which we are led around by the nose, manipulated by empty promises and threats.

Here’s CDC Director Rochelle Walensky on March 29, 2021, pledging a reprieve from the lockdowns if everyone got vaxxed while simultaneously warning of horrible deaths for the unvaxxed who refuse them.

That’s 0-2. Neither of these situations—the carrot of a return to normal or the stick of death and destruction—panned out. The social engineers never intended to let life return to normal, and there was no impending doom, save for that caused by the lockdowns.

Related: ‘Winter of Death’ Pt. II: Corporate Media Prophesizes Doomsday ‘Tripledemic’

“We are just almost there, but not quite yet,” Walensky said. “And so I’m asking you to just hold on a little longer, to get vaccinated when you can, so that all of those people that we all love will still be here when this pandemic ends.”

That deadline came and went. Biden declared the pandemic over in September 2022.


His handlers, including Walensky, immediately leapt into action to assure the public that the Public Health™ measures weren’t going anywhere, and that the permanent emergency would continue indefinitely.

The social control and profiteering were just too juicy for the corporate state to let go.

Via Daily Mail:

CDC Director Dr Rochelle Walensky has clashed with Joe Biden‘s assertion the pandemic is over – saying just that “we’re in a different place”… Walensky refused to agree with Biden’s declaration that the pandemic is in the rear view mirror… “We’ve seen time and time again is [that] our vaccines are working pretty well against severe disease, hospitalization and death, even when variants emerge, which is why it’s so very important to go ahead and get your updated vaccine now,” Walensky encouraged.


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