PalinTracker: An Open Letter, the Constitution, a Facebook Phenom

September 17:

Palin signs An Open Letter to Obama on the Afghan War along with 47 others across the conservative spectrum, from David Frum to John Podhoretz to Karl Rove:


Dear Mr. President:

The situation in Afghanistan is grave and deteriorating. This is in part the legacy of an under resourced war effort that has cost us and the Afghans dearly. The Taliban has retaken important parts of the country, while a flawed U.S. strategy has led American forces into secondary efforts far away from critical areas. However, we remain convinced that the fight against the Taliban is winnable, and it is in the vital national security interest of the United States to win it. …

Evidently this did not make the cut as “all the news that’s fit to print” in the tired old media.

September 18:

  • Palin notably absent from Values Voters Summit in Washington D.C., an annual weekend event attracting 2000 conservatives from 49 states, boasting nearly 50 notable conservatives including former presidential contenders Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee. She still ties for second in straw poll (Huckabee comes in first).
  • Palin posts Constitution Day tribute at Facebook:

    “The Constitution of the United States was created by the people of the United States composing the respective states, who alone had the right.” — James Madison

    Today marks the 222nd anniversary of the formation and signing of our Constitution. The United States Constitution is one of the greatest founding documents in history because it charted a bold new path in the realm of political theory. Not only does the Constitution establish checks and balances within the federal government, it also divides power among the federal government, the states, and the people. The Founders understood that it is the nature of government to grow at the expense of the people’s liberty; and with that in mind, they established a form of government that would be limited in scope and power in order to maximize power to the people.

    Today, let’s also take the opportunity to thank our armed forces. The weight of defending our liberty rests on their shoulders, and because of their efforts and sacrifice, we can celebrate the 222nd anniversary of the formation of our Constitution.

    – Sarah Palin

  • Palin’s Dinner for Five at Ebay closes at $63,500, with 100 percent of the proceeds going to Ride 2 Recovery. Cathy Maples, a defense contractor from Huntsville, Alabama, wins. The Washington Examiner reports:

    Maples says she fully supports the military and the men and women fighting for this nation. Maples, who owns a defense contracting company, also says she’s a “big advocate” for Palin and would love to see her as president.

    The Huffington Post and Palin critic Joe McGinnis complain loudly at his exclusion from the final stages of bidding, though the eBay offer clearly stated that Palin reserved the right to refuse bidders who failed to meet “standards of suitability, professionalism, background and other factors.”

    McGinnis sends the following note to Maples:

    Although I would have enjoyed the opportunity for a frank exchange of views with Gov. Palin, I’m pleased that someone with your record of accomplishment will grace her table.

    Someone with your record of accomplishment? Why the surprise, Joe?


September 19:

Palin emerges as Facebook phenom — Insightful analysis at Politico by Andrew Barr on Palin’s success at articulating conservative positions, spreading the news, and accomplishing political victories — without reliance on the tired old media.

Palin’s Facebook page currently has 877,000 supporters — and counting.

It’s rumored that Palin’s son Track returned this weekend from Iraq. No news yet — will let you know.

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