Kamala Wins on Points, but Trump Connects on Reality

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

So what’s it going to be, America? The all-encompassing bully blob of Big Left or the authentic, outraged, beaten down normal folk of traditional America?

Technically, in my opinion, Vice President Kamala Harris “won” the debate. Sure, she was so scared at first that her voice cracked and she dry-swallowed compulsively. But it didn’t take long for her tag teammates, the moderators, to buoy her spirits and put her in the driver’s seat. Former President Donald Trump, justifiably angered by the set-up, grew louder and less coherent as the debate wore on. 


On a subject that has been trending favorably for him — the takeover of an archetypical small American town in the Midwest by culturally incongruous semi-legal migrants — the best he could do was bellow, “In Springfield, they're eating the dogs! The people that came in, they're eating the cats! They're eating! They're eating the pets of the people that live there!”

To America’s normies who may not be up on the latest memes, the outburst must have sounded absurd. It gave Harris the opportunity to laugh convincingly at the crazy man. (Yet imagine being one of the locals in a town destroyed by hordes of Third-World asylum scammers and watching her laugh at your sorrows like that.)

Trump was further goaded by Harris’s smug and well-practiced recitation of his legal woes. He did manage to shoot back that he was winning most of the cases and would win the rest on appeal, and he mentioned that the lawfare originated in the Biden-Harris administration. But he wasn’t nearly as articulate as he could have been and he sounded angry and defensive. Harris was able to lord the situation over him and paint him as some sort of lawless lowlife.


The despicable suppressing fire of the moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis, further flustered and enraged Trump. They accused him of lying even when what he said was arguably true, while they allowed Harris to lie more times than I can count. 

Harris's running mate, Gov. Timpon Walz (Minn.), acknowledged the biased moderators' contribution to his campaign:

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No, Trump was not articulate last night. And yet …

…and yet his flailing outbursts, his unsuccessful grasping searches for the mot juste, his spitting rage precisely mirrored how so many of us traditional, hard-working, rules-following, salt-of-the-earth Americans feel. 

I, too, am sputtering with incoherent rage at the vastness of the rigged system of the Left: the wholesale destruction of every value and custom and belief of the America I grew up in, and the transplantation of the Third World into my beautiful, safe, orderly country. My salary and savings have lost one-fifth of their value (at least) since these clowns took over. They're sterilizing and mutilating children — the ones they didn't outright murder in the womb. They teach kids to hate America and European Americans in schools. They use the great American justice system to harass a duly elected former president and anyone who is associated with him. They let him get shot in the head! They have destroyed Election Day and rendered America's elections untrustworthy. They use their control of the tech sector to silence our voices. And they use our tax dollars to do all of it.


In the face of the outrages of the Left, Americans can easily identify with the besieged, furious man on that stage last night — attacked ruthlessly and incessantly, tired, and devalued — and yet, proud, strong, and refusing to be beaten. That's my man.

I will leave you with a classic movie scene from the great film "Rob Roy." Cultures clashed in early 18th-century Scotland as English nobles lorded over native highlanders. Robert Roy MacGregor, who leads his clan and seeks only to help them prosper, is drawn into a deadly rivalry with Archibald Cunningham, the spoiled bastard nephew of the Marquis of Montrose. The climax of the movie is the honor duel between the two. Cunningham's prancing, tutored swordplay appears to be deadly against Rob Roy's heavy-handed, brute-force fighting style. But the conclusion is most satisfying, I assure you. 

Here's hoping Trump can pull it off. God knows he's earned it, and God knows America needs him.


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