The Cavalry Is Coming: AFL to Challenge Biden Amnesty Diktat

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

In a particularly tone-deaf affront, "President" Joe Biden chose a dreadful time to announce his latest amnesty executive order diktat. Only days earlier, authorities had finally arrested the illegal alien who murdered a Maryland mother of five last summer. And in New York City, local citizens had just that morning apprehended the illegal alien who had been at large for over a week after he kidnapped a pair of 13-year-olds at knife-point and raped one of them.


On Tuesday, the undaunted Biden regime announced its unilateral override of the immigration laws that had been duly passed by the people's elected representatives in Congress. The White House issued one of its odious "Fact Sheets" to explain its latest decree:

…the Biden-Harris Administration has worked to strengthen our lawful immigration system. In addition to vigorously defending the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood arrivals) policy, the Administration has extended Affordable Care Act coverage to DACA recipients and streamlined, expanded, and instituted new reunification programs so that families can stay together while they complete the immigration process.

Still, there is more that we can do to bring peace of mind and stability to Americans living in mixed-status families as well as young people educated in this country, including Dreamers. That is why today, President Biden announced new actions for people who have been here many years to keep American families together and allow more young people to contribute to our economy.  

It's all the more infuriating when you realize that many of the anticipated recipients of the Biden regime's largesse are only still here because they were already pseudo-legalized by then-President Obama's overrule of duly passed immigration law — his pen-and-phone diktat, DACA. Congress has repeatedly declined to pass the so-called DREAM Act, meaning DACA has been rejected as a law, and it remains entangled in legal controversy twelve years later. But none of that will stop whoever has their hand up the Biden puppet's arse from stacking additional amnesty decrees onto that shaky foundation.


Stephen Miller, the president of America First Legal (AFL), calls it like he sees it:

AFL claims as its mission that it "will oppose the radical left’s anti-jobs, anti-freedom, anti-faith, anti-borders, anti-police, and anti-American crusade." The non-profit is at the forefront of numerous important legal battles against the left's creeping fascism. Their current in-progress litigations fight everything from discrimination against straight white men to forcing school kids to pretend their loony classmates are members of the opposite sex. In fact, if you ever need a quick pick-me-up, enjoy perusing AFL's current caseload. A win in any one of these cases is a powerful blow to leftist social totalitarianism. And AFL is piling up wins.

Now, the powerful conservative lawfare org is promising to stop the Biden amnesty train in its tracks. In a pledge to initiate legal action, Miller dipped his quill in holy fury and issued a statement on the matter:

In the middle of a raging deadly border invasion, on the heels of illegal aliens let into the country by Biden being charged with the most heinous rapes and murders of children and mothers, Biden has issued one of the largest executive amnesties in American history. Congress has, for decades, refused to grant citizenship to illegal aliens. Now, acting as a tyrant king, Biden is circumventing Congress and incinerating the Constitution to unilaterally grant a pathway to citizenship to what will amount to potentially millions of illegals. 

This includes illegals who are DACA recipients and illegals with online degrees or college diplomas — including diploma mills that churn out worthless degrees to create citizens. Once granted green cards, illegals will have access to government benefits. Once granted citizenship — in as soon as five years — illegals will have full access to welfare, entitlements, the voting booth, and chain migration, meaning entire illegal alien extended family networks and be made into full voting citizens. 

This is a colossal amnesty and a thunderous attack on American democracy in the form of an imperial edict. With today’s order, Biden is saying the invasion will continue forever, and the criminal migrant trespassers will be our new voters and citizens.


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So long as there are steely men and women possessed of moral certitude and the will to fight, such as those at AFL, we have reason to be of good cheer and look forward to America's survival.


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