WATCH: Stanislaus Sheriffs Advertise Hilarious Valentine's Day 'Turn in Your Ex' Offer

The Stanislaus County, Calif., Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) is running a hilarious advertisement that encourages jilted lovers to get revenge by turning in their wanted ex. The exciting romantic offer is presented by Lts. Dave Mullins and Tom Letras, who go by Dave and Tom in the ad.


“Do you have that special ex-Valentine that you’d love to do something special for?” asks Dave. Tom picks up the pitch with, “Have they missed a court date? Do they have a warrant out for their arrest?”

Dave jumps back in with, “Are they wanted for auto theft, domestic violence, or drugs?” Tom adds, “Are they a fugitive from justice? Did he steal your heart? Did he steal your credit card?” Dave wonders, “Did he steal your catalytic converter?”

“Boy, do we have an offer for you!” says Tom.

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“If you call the number on your screen right now,” says Dave as the Crime Stoppers number (1-866-602-7463) appears in a chyron beneath the salesmen, “your ex-Valentine may be eligible for an all-inclusive minimum one-night stay at one of Stanislaus County’s finest overnight accommodations!”

Stanislaus Area Crime Stoppers is a program to provide information anonymously for suspects wanted by the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office,” explains Fox26. “Tips given through Crime Stoppers remain anonymous and are eligible for a cash reward if the tip leads to an arrest.”


The pair goes on to narrate as scenes play out depicting what the caller’s ex can expect to receive as part of the romantic package, including a visit from a “specialized hospitality” SWAT team, a chauffeured ride to their “deluxe accommodations,” a “photo shoot” with a professional photographer, and more.

As of this writing, the amusing and effective video, which the SCSO posted on its Facebook page Thursday, had received 153 comments, which were overwhelmingly positive.


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