For more than a year, PJ Media has been reporting on the corrupt press shop inside the Department of Justice. The unit is headed by Press Harpy Tracy Schmaler. We broke a story in July about this relationship after a PJ Media public records request revealed communications between Media Matters’ Matt Gertz and Schmaler about Fast and Furious. (More on the corrupt DOJ press shop: “Tracy Schmaler’s (and Eric Holder’s) Trip to the Tropics,” “DOJ Leaks to TPM Muckraker Florida Will Be Sued Over Voter Rolls,” “Tracy Schmaler – DOJ Shrieker in Chief.“)
Today, Matthew Boyle blows the lid off of the relationship between the United States Department of Justice press shop and the leftist activists at Media Matters, particularly flying monkey Matt Gertz.
Boyle first documents Schmaler’s work with the Soros-funded Media Matters to attack former DOJ officials, including me! Boyle writes:
Emails sent in September and November 2010 show Schmaler working with Media Matters staffer Jeremy Holden on attacking news coverage of the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation scandal.
Holden attacked former DOJ Civil Rights Division attorneys J. Christian Adams and Hans von Spakovsky on Sept. 20, 2010 for what he called an attempt “to reignite the phony New Black Panther Party scandal.” . . .
Before Holden posted his article at 7:52 p.m., Schmaler sent him several emails with information helping him attack both former DOJ oficials.
Holden attacked Adams again, and Christopher Coates — another now-former DOJ attorney.
After Holden published that piece, Schmaler sent him an email titled “Great piece…” and continuing in the body of the message, “On USCCR investigation.’” One minute later, Holden responded, writing, “Thanks!”
But DOJ’s wicked attack operative moves onto other targets, such as those exposing the bloody Fast and Furious program, this time aided by Media Matters’ flying monkey Matt Gertz:
Schmaler reached out to Gertz on March 12, 2012 seemingly to suggest an article attacking Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips for his public comments about Operation Fast and Furious. At the time, Phillips was pressing GOP leadership to take action on the gunwalking scandal. During a Fox News interview, Phillips said Fast and Furious “should be investigated, but we also have to remember the program itself was a partisan program.”
Schmaler obtained a transcript of Phillips’ whole broadcast segment and sent it to Gertz in an 11:55 a.m. email on March 12, asking, “You see this?”
“[C]ompletely false,” Schmaler wrote of Phillips’ allegation. “[W]ide receiver and Hernandez put this to a lie. There’s been lots of coverage on previous bush operations…”
“Thanks,” Gertz responded one minute later. . . .
At 4:05 p.m. the same day Gertz and Schmaler were emailing about Judson Phillips, Media Matters’ Chris Brown wrote a blog entry attacking Phillips for his televised appearance.
Notice how Gertz is at Schmaler’s beck and call. As I wrote previously, he responds obediently and quickly to Schmaler.
Gertz’s email forwards his attack on Pavlich to Schmaler. He wanted to make sure Schmaler at central command saw his good work. . . . Gertz sends this email a mere “1 minute” after his piece posted. A good monkey promptly alerts Master.

Matt Gertz of MMFA
Gertz also provided quick reports to Schmaler about his attacks on PJ Media’s Andy McCarthy, Town Hall’s Katie Pavlich, Breitbart’s Joel Pollack, and Megyn Kelly of Fox News.
All of this raises an important question: how did the United States Department of Justice become so intertwined with one of the most venomous, dishonest, and radical Websites? Back in 2008, we heard so much empty rhetoric from one campaign about how they would take politics out of the Justice Department. Like so much from that camp, time reveals it was all projection. They have engaged in a level of raw politics that their GOP opponents couldn’t even conceive of.
And where are the once outraged reporters like Greg Gordon, so quick to cover any whiff of skullduggery or politics at the Bush Justice Department? Of course they are nowhere to be found, because they agree with what is happening.
More: Emails Show Holder Justice Department Colludes with Lefist Outfit to Attack PJM Writer
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