The Government Is Paralyzed? Oh, No! Anyway…

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Another day, another dinosaur legacy media scare story about Elon Musk and the DOGE boys "paralyzing" the federal government. Did I just write, "Another day?" I meant "another hour." My news feed and News app notifications pop with these stories like two 11-year-old boys with a box of matches and several strings of Black Cat Ladyfingers.


The latest comes courtesy of Wired with this screaming headline: "Elon Musk’s $1 Spending Limit Is Paralyzing Federal Agencies." The story falls under Wired's recurring TAKEOVER banner (all caps in the original) because it's a fascist TAKEOVER of the executive branch when the president elected to serve as its chief executive tries to legally govern in the way the people elected him to govern.

"'The longer this disruption lasts, the more the system will break,' says a USDA official who was granted anonymity because they aren’t authorized to speak to the media about the looming crisis," Wired reported, as though the SIX TRILLION DOLLAR system wasn't already thoroughly broken and corrupted. 

Our so-called "journalist" class is made up almost entirely of toadies and liars.

What they're serving up is the opposite of Washington Monument Syndrome. Remember during the 2013 government shutdown, when the Obama administration did things like shut down the Washington Monument? The plan — and it worked — was to inflict the maximum amount of pain in the most visible way on the largest possible number of people. The press happily played their part, putting political pressure on the GOP Congress, which dutifully caved.

Obama closed the open-air WWII memorial, fer cryin' out loud.

The first problem with this endless stream of "Oh noes, muh federal gubmint!" stories is the visuals. Short delays in some FDA lab doing God-knows-what is a far cry from turning away a 92-year-old World War II vet from the war memorial on what was probably his last trip to see it.


The second problem is reader burnout. How many times can a typical reader scan one headline after another on the same theme before the MEGO Effect kicks in?

"Suppose they paralyzed the government and nobody cared?" is the question broad swathes of America might soon learn the answer to. They're setting us up to do the Jeremy Clarkson meme. They're actually setting America up to do the meme.

Tonight ought to be fun, by the way. Your PJ Media crew will liveblog President Donald Trump's Regular Old Presidential Address (ROPA) tonight — not to be confused with a State of the Union Address (SOTU) that Trump hasn't been back in office long enough (BIOLE) to deliver. But you're in for a series of "Oh, no — anyway" moments because several Dem congresscritters "are lining up to bring fired federal workers" as their special guests to tonight's ROPA.

Mostly, they're bringing military veterans who went on to find government or government-related work, like "Luke Graziani, an Army veteran who served two tours each in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was let go last month after working for almost a year at a veterans health facility in the Bronx."

Don't let the photo ops pull on your heartstrings too hard. The vast majority of those let go weren't disabled vets restoring sight to blind kittens or whatever. Besides, we're Americans — when there's someone truly needy, we're quick to help. What Washington Democrats excel at is staging heart-tugging photo ops meant to keep (or increase) money and power in Washington. 


If there's any "paralysis" going on, it's Democrats paralyzed with fear that the jig is up. 

Recommended: USAID Is All But Dead

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