Harris Keeps Embarrassing Herself and... IMPROVING IN THE DAMN POLLS?

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It was one of the great lines in SNL history when Michael Dukakis — expertly played by Jon Lovitz — responds to yet another George Bush/Dana Carvey debate word salad with a quietly exasperated, "I can't believe I'm losing to this guy."


The Democratically Anointed One, Kamala Harris, had another one of her cringeworthy interviews on Tuesday, this time with a group of black journalists. If she was looking for a friendly environment (and there's no "if" about it), she couldn't have found a better room full of eager fluffers without having her own staff pose as journalists and operate the hidden teleprompter with her prepared answers on it.

That isn't to say that most so-called journalists aren't mere poseurs because they are.

Harris was asked what levers the U.S. has to move Israel and Hamas towards a hostage release and a ceasefire. Her answer was not, in any way, an answer — just another fifth-grade book report on a book she hadn't read.

Another one of the questions Harris was given was such a softball that it should have gone like Aaron Judge at bat against a local Cub Scout team. The journalist — whose name I didn't catch — asked, "Polling shows that some Black men are considering voting for Donald Trump, and they see him as better for the economy. What is your message to young Black male voters who feel left out of this economy?"


I guess I understand where she was going with that answer, but I'm not sure she did. 

The point is that Harris is so bad at the most simple campaign tasks that there's no way this election should be anything close to close. And yet, Nate Silver noted on Tuesday that "Harris’s lead in national polls is up to 2.9 points, improved from 2.2 points before last week’s debate." Bettors at Polymarket give Harris 50% odds of winning and Trump 48%. The numbers are even worse at John Stossel's Election Betting Odds, where it's Harris at 52.9% and Trump at 45.7%. The trendlines are all shifting blue.

Sure, Trump has an unlikeability problem, but so does Harris. She's the least popular veep since pollsters started asking about them. While Harris's cross-party endorsement comes from Darth Cheney and other unloved Bushies that Dems used to call warmongers, Trump has won over Dems with a lot more curb appeal like Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr.


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I can't believe we're losing to this gal.

Here's the old Lovitz clip because we both need something to laugh at today:


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