Kamala Seinfeld: A Campaign About Nothing

AI image prompted by the author following a lunchtime martini, using a paid version of Grok.

What's there to say about a presidential campaign that won't say anything? Plenty, if you'll hear me out for the next three to five minutes.

It seems like only yesterday [it was only yesterday, Steve —Editor] that I was poking not-so-gentle fun at the Democrats' stealth presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, for using comically obvious means to avoid talking to the press.


It's a "Seinfeld" campaign, a campaign about nothing.

Here's the latest example, in which Kamala Harris can't be bothered to answer an innocuous question.

"HOW IS DEBATE PREP GOING?" is a slow lob that any prepared candidate would have smacked right back over the top of the net at about a hundred miles an hour. 

But Harris maintains strict radio silence except at the most scripted and controlled events. 

I'm a (mostly) political writer who delights in absurdities. You're a Longtime Sharp VodkaPundit Reader™ — and if you're new here, welcome aboard! — who has come to delight in those absurdities. And for four years, Biden-Harris kept you and me pointing and laughing at them. 

But then Biden dropped out (caught a case of the coup flu, really) and Harris shut up. The absurdities have been reduced to a trickle from a Biblical flood. 

It used to be that hardly a week went by when I didn't get to amuse you with Biden's latest brain fizzle or a Harris word salad.


And I miss it, too. As you must be aware by now, I relish going into Pitbull Mode against the enemies of American liberty — and Democrats (and sometimes Republicans) always give me a juicy limb to lock my teeth into. But since Harris was bestowed with her party's nomination in a completely democratic backroom deal last month, you and I have had to make do with scraps.

If I'm forced to try and squeeze another column out of another Harris tarmac walk, I'm going to go to a beach somewhere and ignore politics for a week while I stuff my bloodstream with silly amounts of stupid rum-based concoctions.

Next week's Trump-Harris debate is 100% money-back guaranteed to yield 24k comedy gold — assuming it even happens, that is. PJ's own Matt Margolis wrote Monday that the Harris campaign seems to be setting the stage to withdraw from the debate and somehow blame Trump. 

Whatever happens or doesn't happen next week, your PJ crew will be back here at 8:45 Eastern tonight to cover Trump's big town hall meeting. There's a candidate who knows how to work a crowd.


I'd be remiss if I didn't correct myself that Harris is running a Seinfeld campaign about nothing. As always, the Left is all about power — keeping it and increasing it at liberty's expense. And they'll do almost anything toward that end including, for the first time ever, effectively maintaining silence. 

The silence is deafening. Just don't let it silence you. 

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