Harris's New Trick to Avoid Reporters Backfires Spectacularly

AP Photo/Stephen B. Morton

Stealth presidential candidate Kamala Harris tried out a new way to avoid taking questions from the press this weekend, but she gave the game away by trying just a little too hard.


You might have already seen the video of Harris this weekend, stepping out of Car Force Two (or whatever they call the car she's in) at Joint Base Andrews on her way to catch a flight to Detroit. But there's more to it than you might have noticed in that 25-second clip.

In case you didn't see the clip, here it is.

There's something weird going on but I'll get to that in a moment.

The press is shouting questions at her but, gosh darn it, Harris is just too busy on the phone to answer any right now, as much as she'd dearly love to. Really. You can tell because she has a phone and bright white earbuds with a bright white wire. You'd have to be blind not to see how terribly and importantly busy she is right now on her brick-thick secure phone.

She must be talking with someone much more important than anyone in the press — like George Clooney or whoever her Cabal cutout is who issues her daily instructions to her.

Some folks on X pointed out a couple of things that I don't think quite add up. One is that nobody uses wired headphones any longer, and the other is that nobody has a phone with a headphone jack these days. 


Information is hard to come by, but I can't imagine a secure phone could use Bluetooth earbuds and stay secure. Wired headphones or earbuds would seem to be a must. So that part, if nothing else, passes the sniff test. If any readers out there know for sure, I'd love to hear from you. 

One detail does not pass the sniff test, though, and you can see it at about the eight-second mark. Harris, earbuds in her ears, lifts the phone up to her ear as if to talk to someone — that she isn't already talking to through her earbuds?

I didn't notice it the first time I watched the clip for a couple of reasons. The first is that she has the phone in her left hand, opposite the camera. The second is that bringing your phone up to your ear is such a natural gesture that you don't really think about it. There is not, to the best of my knowledge, a phone that requires you to hold it up to your ear while you're wearing earbuds — and no, it doesn't matter whether they're wired or not.



My first thought was that Harris' earbud mic wasn't picking up her voice, so she brought the phone up to her face so the phone mic would pick it up. But she isn't talking. And she's holding the phone away from her mouth — like actors do to look like they're talking on the phone but without covering their pretty faces. Harris is putting on just as much of a show for the camera.

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I don't know why she bothers. At no point is she at any risk from the State Steno Pool asking her a tough question — and the odds of a hard-hitting follow-up are even lower than the odds of her actually being on the phone with someone in that clip.


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