MSNBC Pulled 'Morning Joe' Today for One Very Smart Reason

MSNBC's "Morning Joe," starring Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, is reportedly Presidentish Joe Biden's favorite morning show, but he'll have to wait until at least Tuesday to get his daily fix.


No wonder it's Biden's favorite. Following Saturday's attempted assassination of Donald Trump, Biden delivered a brief Oval Office address on Sunday and asked Americans to "lower the temperature" and "take a step back," and warned that "political rhetoric in this country has gotten very heated." 

But "Morning Joe," which runs from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. on weekdays, is pretty much MSNBC's four-hour-long version of George Orwell's Two Minutes Hate from "1984."

Last March, Scarborough shouted at viewers to "start your tape right now because I'm about to tell you the truth. And F--- you if you can't handle the truth. This version of Biden intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever."

“I’m trying to help you," Scarborough told anti-Israeli protestors in May. "If you’re too stupid to figure that out... this is not helping the people of Gaza. And this is not helping those of us who want to fight fascism in America.”

"There are ways to do this that help the cause… without aiding the worst elements in American politics," he said during that same rant.

After Biden's debate debacle, Scarborough suffered an on-air meltdown after telling his audience that "Biden cannot beat Trump."

"He couldn’t respond effectively to Donald Trump trying to overthrow American democracy on Jan. 6, he couldn’t respond effectively to Donald Trump’s continued stream of lies about his own record, and he couldn’t even respond effectively on the issue of abortion, where, for some reason, he darted wildly to the issue of immigration."


So when Biden wanted to assure his worried friends, Mika and Joe, that he wasn't going to drop out, he dialed into "Morning Joe" and went on the air to say, "I’m getting so frustrated by the elites. No, I’m not talking about you guys, but by the elites in the party who, ‘Oh, they know so much more.’ Any of these guys that don’t think I should run, run against me."

But not today.

If Biden wants to tell America — well, MSNBC's tiny audience — to tone down the rhetoric and that after a respectful pause, he's hitting the campaign trail or whatever, he won't be able to phone Joe or Mika. MSNBC management pulled them off the air Monday "to instead air continued breaking news coverage of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump," according to CNN.

An insider told CNN the network wants "to avoid a scenario in which one of the show’s stable of two dozen-plus guests might make an inappropriate comment on live television that could be used to assail the program and network as a whole."

Translation: MSNBC can't trust Brzezinski, Scarborough, or any of "Morning Joe's" stable of regular guests not to say something incendiary or embarrassing following the attempted assassination of a former American president and leading presidential candidate.


If that makes you think MSNBC hosts and guests have too much hate in their hearts to be trusted with the biggest news story of the year, I'm way out in front of you.

My wife won't let me write on weekends because she says it makes me cranky, and turning on the TV news is a big no-no, too. But I got all the assassination attempt coverage I needed — from sane people I could trust — right here at PJ Media. That's thanks to the VIP and VIP Gold subscribers who keep us going, 24/7/365. If you'd like to support us, too, please take advantage of our SAVEAMERICA promotion for a whopping 50% off.


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