
UK Moves to Protect Women's Spaces, U.S. Planned Parenthood Preys on Autistic Teens

AP Photo/Armando Franca

If there was finally going to be an establishment pushback against allowing men into women’s facilities, it had to begin somewhere. But you might be shocked to learn that it happened first in Britain, where the state-run National Health Service is both notoriously politically correct and oftentimes dismissive of its patients’ actual healthcare needs.

Yet here we are. The same NHS that denied a dying child the right to travel outside the country to receive care that the NHS refused to provide has this week taken a strong stance on protecting women.

Conservative UK Health Secretary Steve Barclay announced new rules for trans patients that are exactly what the old rules were for all patients. Speaking at a party conference in Manchester this week, Barclay vowed to restore “common sense” to the NHS and require the service to recognize “the importance of biological sex in healthcare.”

Under the new (old?) rules, biological men will be banned from facilities exclusive to women.

To keep things fair, of course, the same rule applies to biological women not being treated in areas and facilities reserved for men. But as you surely know already, women hardly present the same safety concerns as male predators who have been posing as women — no actual gender dysphoria required — to invade women’s spaces.

Another Conservative MP, who chose to remain anonymous, complained that they’re “fed up of feeling intimidated by bigots and want people to know we’re still a home for LGBT+ people. Many of us will not back down.”

Still, Barclay said, “If we do not get this right now, the long-term consequences could be very serious for the protection of women and future generations.”

Is this a thorny issue for those very few men who actually do suffer from gender dysphoria? Of course, it is. That’s unfortunate, but it was also almost unavoidable. The transgenderism movement has very little to do with actual sufferers of gender dysphoria and, having been so successful at sidelining the safety and concerns of women, was inevitably going to create pushback. That men with gender dysphoria are caught in the middle is the sad result of the Left’s war on normalcy.

So kudos to Barclay and other Tories for doing the right thing.

Meanwhile, in Berlin, suppose they threw a transgender-only swimming competition but nobody came to compete? That’s exactly what happened:

After an open category was introduced to help make sports fairer, trans athletes refused to participate in the swimming World Cup and instead have demanded to compete in the women’s category- so they have a stronger advantage.

When you try to do the right thing for these faux women — again, not to be confused with those afflicted with gender dysphoria — they show their true colors.

On this side of the pond, crazy still rules.

Aaron Sibarium reported for the Washington Free Beacon on Wednesday that Planned Parenthood is now in the business of helping teenagers “transition.” Sibarium writes that the abortion provider has branched out into writing “prescriptions for estrogen and testosterone, including to special needs kids.” He tells the heartbreaking story of “Fred,” who is an otherwise healthy and stable 18-year-old autistic young man. Nevertheless, caught up in the transgender fad, he skipped the lengthy assessments required by the Gender and Autism Program at Children’s National Hospital by going to Planned Parenthood for immediate hormone “therapy.”

Unknown to me before now, Planned Parenthood:

…prescribes hormones to any legal adult without a letter from a therapist or a formal diagnosis of gender dysphoria. The only requirement is a brief consultation, usually with a nurse practitioner, about the drugs’ effects, which range from mood swings and male pattern baldness to permanent infertility.

The consultation really is brief — as little as 30 minutes. There’s no way an 18-year-old who is of legal age but not of full emotional maturity is ready to make a decision like that after spending half an hour with a nurse practitioner, yet here we are.

This socially contagious fad has mostly hit adolescent girls going through the usual difficulties, plus autistic and gay male teens — all of whom would likely grow up to be healthy, functioning men and women who might happen to be gay or autistic.

If Britain can protect women in hospitals, surely we can do something to protect teens in this country.

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