
Insanity Wrap: I've Got Some Bad News and Some Good News About Trans Suicide Rates

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Trans suicide rates are shockingly high according to a new study, but there’s a silver lining in there for our troubled teenagers. Welcome to Insanity Wrap — an entire week’s worth of nuttiness wrapped up in one easy-to-swallow medicated news capsule.


  • Bud Light and the Return of He Who Shall Not Be Named?
  • A “Sister” of Perpetual Indulgence has just the thing for your teenager.
  • The wildest hearing test ever.

Before we get to today’s big story, here’s a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity.

How Long Can You Stand to Watch?

In this week’s “How Long Can You Stand to Watch?” challenge, I made it all of 16 seconds before closing the tab with extreme prejudice.

How long did you last?

P.S. According to Tim Meade, “that guy’s TikTok name is Sister Eva Lynn Goode,” and “He’s a part of the ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.'”

The Bad News and Good About Trans Suicide Rates

Longtime Sharp VodkaPundit Readers™ know I like to focus on the absurdities in each week’s Insanity Wrap, but today’s feature story is just a little bit different.

If we judge by suicide rates — and I think that’s a fair (if heartbreaking) metric — there’s no worse condition than gender dysphoria that a human being can suffer. I’d seen published rates of suicidal ideation or even attempted suicide as high as 40%. And that 40% was true regardless of whether a sufferer had undergone medical “transition” or not. There’s no other disease or condition that comes close.

But that 40% figure came from one small study and the sample group wasn’t big enough to instill full confidence.

Enter Denmark.

“Denmark has a centralized database of all citizens,” reports Madeleine Hubbard at Just The News, “allowing researchers to conduct massive studies that cannot be done in countries such as the United States.” That’s a sample size of 6.6 million people, which ought to be enough for any study.

Researchers found about 3,800 people with gender dysphoria, or 0.06% of the population. The afflicted have a “3.5 times higher suicide death rate and a 7.7 times higher suicide attempt rate compared to the rest of the population,” according to the JAMA study seen by Hubbard.

That’s the bad news, that the old and less reliable data I’d found about high suicide rates was pretty much on the money. Having your sense of self out of sorts with your own chromosomes and healthy body really is the worst.

Keep this in mind: The Danes have such bleeding hearts that you’d swear all 6.6 million of them had a leak in their left ventricle. Denmark is listed as one of the friendliest and most accepting countries for those inflicted with gender dysphoria. And yet the rates of mental conditions and suicide attempts are still shockingly high.

Keep this in mind, too: I’ve been very careful to use the medical term “gender dysphoria” instead of the more popular, less accurate, less scientific, and far more loaded word, “trans.” I did that because there’s a world of difference between those who genuinely suffer from gender dysphoria and two other groups.

The first group consists of those parading Marxists using “queerness” and “trans identities” to destroy family cohesion and even the idea of normalcy. The second are those poor adolescents, almost all female, caught up in the trans craze. Too many are having their bodies permanently altered by so-called doctors who need to relearn their Hippocratic oaths.

I promised you some good news, didn’t I? It’s there, even if you have to squint to see it.

Despite all the lefty threats of massive teen (or younger) suicides if we don’t chop the healthy breast tissue off girls we used to love as tomboys or fashion fake vaginas for boys who are probably just coming to grips with being gay, they haven’t materialized.

Thank goodness, there’s been no sudden explosion in the number of young people who actually suffer from gender dysphoria — or we’d see that massive leap in suicide attempts made real.

We’re battling a lefty social craze, not a mental health epidemic. And we’re scratching up wins, too.

This isn’t an easy fight, but the kids are worth it.

Recommended: What the Hell Just Happened in Russia?

Before We Continue, Here’s a Short Video to Restore Your Faith in Everything…

If those dogs didn’t make you smile, check your pulse and make sure you still have one.

From the Dept. of Still Not Getting It

Tone-deaf Anheuser-Busch CEO won’t rule out Bud Light working with Dylan Mulvaney AGAIN

When I wrote last week about Bud Light’s awkward attempt at getting back in their boycotting customers’ good graces — ‘Please Drink Our Beer Again, You Oafish Hicks’ — I figured from the new ad that corporate was just tone-deaf.

But they aren’t just tone-deaf. They’re also color blind, numb from the neck down (maybe also from the neck up), unable to smell, and had their tastebuds chemically neutered.

Something sure stinks, though.

It’s one thing to pick an offensive social media mascot in the person of He Who Shall Not Be Named. It’s another to accidentally step on another rake with an ill-thought-out “Easy to Enjoy” TV commercial that poked fun at the very customers who’d been expecting an apology.

So what to call this from Anheuser-Busch USA CEO Brendan Whitworth, who refused to rule out using He Who Shall Not Be Named in future social media campaigns?

Here’s the thing they’ve forgotten at Anheuser-Busch now that the company’s marketing moved from the heartland (St. Louis) to New York City.

Beer IS inclusive. Almost everybody likes beer. Everybody, at some time or another, LOVES cheap beer like Bud Light, even if only because it’s so cheap. There’s no need to hire a prancing ninny like He Who Shall Not Be Named to expand the brand’s reach.

It’s beer. It’s cheap. People who like it will buy it, and people who don’t necessarily like it will buy it when they’re living paycheck to paycheck.

There’s your inclusion right there, Mr. Whitworth. Or as I like to think of you, CEO Clueless As A Steamer Trunk Full Of Pudding.

Quote(s) of the Week

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss totally, publicly contradicting and humiliating yourself.

Whoa. Just Whoa.

With practice, you can beat this thing. But for the first couple of runs, you WILL hear the text you read and not the text you don’t.

Wild, and I can’t wait to finish up this column and research what makes it work.

Previously On Insanity Wrap: Fly Your Freak Flag, You Crazy Gynosexual

A quick little something before we get to the closing meme…

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One More Thing…

That’s a Wrap for this week.

Come back next week for another Insanity Wrap…

…assuming we make it that long.


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