What the Hell Is Going on With That Trump Grand Jury Foreman?

(Screencap via Twitter.)

The Trump grand jury in Georgia has yet to reveal any indictments, but the jury’s foreman โ€” forewoman, foreperson, forexian, whatever โ€” is already doing the cable news circuit… and in the weirdest way.


Honestly, you have to see Emily Kohrs in action to believe it.

โ€œCan you imagine doing this for eight months and not coming out with a whole listโ€ of recommended indictments, Kohrs told CNN, letting the cat peek its nose out of the bag. โ€œItโ€™s not a short list. Itโ€™s not.โ€

She certainly is animated.

“Does the jury system work in an Idiocracy?” Dale Stark asked on Twitter. Perhaps, but there could be a method to Kohrs’ apparent madness, assuming she’s a secret plant by the Trump campaign.

Robert Costa tweeted Wednesday morning that “CBS News has learned that lawyers close to several GOP witnesses in Fulton Co. investigation are preparing to move to quash any possible indictments by DA.” Any legal action by Team Trump would be due to “the public statements by the forewoman of the special grand jury, per two people familiar with the discussions.”


Then there’s Peter Ingemi’s take, which seems more than reasonable, that there’s nothing there that Trump’s lawyers need to squash:

A grand jury can indict a ham sandwich, but it remains to be seen if there’s any meat at all โ€” aside from the big ham playing Celebrity Foreman on CNN.


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