Welcome to Insanity Wrap, your weekly dose of the best of the worst. California schools losing hundreds of thousands of students is the new big crazy.
- Lefty journo thinks all Asians look alike
- Biden has a solution to high gas prices: Starvation
- School bans “Pray for Peace” shirts
Before we get to today’s big story, here’s a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity.
This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006
“If your parents don’t accept you for who you are, f*** them. I’m your parents now” – Oklahoma middle school teacher
This teacher was let go last week after complaints of grooming and this tiktok + others containing questionable content were brought to the principal’s attention. pic.twitter.com/eBgAWCW3K7
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 11, 2022
Yeah, no:
The left’s goal is to drive a wedge between children and their parents so they can be more easily indoctrinated with radical, progressive ideas. This used to start in the universities.
It took the Right a long time to really catch on to what the universities were really up to.
But mess with our young’uns and we’ll catch on much quicker.
Will the Last Student to Leave California Schools Please Turn Out the Lights?

California public school enrollment spirals, dropping by 110,000 students this year
There’s an ongoing exodus from California’s public schools.
The Los Angeles Times — yes, we’re forced to read it on occasion — reported Monday that enrollment dropped by 110,000 students last year and by 160,000 the year before.
They’ll try to blame it on the pandemic, but don’t let them: Enrollment has been on the downswing for five years already.
Private schools saw increased enrollment, but not by nearly enough to account for the hundreds of thousands of students California schools have shed since 2017.
Multiple reasons are given for the losses: An aging population, COVID restrictions, the futility of distance learning, middle-class families fleeing California, and plain old truancy.
But Insanity Wrap can name one major reason that wraps up all the others: California schools, by and large, suck.
Math proficiency: 40%.
English proficiency: 50%.
And those figures are pre-COVID, which means they’ve gone nowhere but down.
Plus: Groomers.
There’s just very little reason for parents to bother with California schools, except as a daycare service. Given the truancy rates, even that isn’t all it once was.
But as we recently wrote about missing kids from New York City public schools: They might not be getting educated (or maybe they are) but at least they aren’t getting indoctrinated.
Recommended: Why Hasn’t Hillary Clinton Been Banned From Twitter?
Before We Continue, a Brief Palate Cleanser…
Dog pulls best buddy on sled in snow..🐕🐾🐈🌨️🛷😍 pic.twitter.com/dflzN5heLY
— 𝕐o̴g̴ (@Yoda4ever) April 11, 2022
As the happy owner of two Goldens over the last 19 years, Insanity Wrap can tell you: They’re the best.
Your Weekly Dose of Mostly Peaceful Protest Random Harassment
So “progressive” “journalist” Thor Benson took it upon himself to harass actual journalist Andy Ngo.
Ngo has been featured on Insanity Wrap many times for his fearless reporting on Antifa and BLM.
Benson saw Ngo at a bar and decided to tell him that he’s a “garbage person.”
“I was at a dive bar and he came in and started talking to people and I put my hand on his shoulder and said it and then went out for a cigarette.”
Whatever happened to no touching?
Benson said that Ngo then left because “I think my comment made him nervous lol.”
LOL, even, because intimidating strangers is a laff riot — especially when Benson’s Twitter followers joined in, some encouraging violence.
There’s just one problem: Ngo wasn’t at that bar in New Orleans. He wasn’t in New Orleans. He wasn’t even in Louisiana.
So Benson harassed some random Asian guy, presumably because they all look alike.
Benson is sticking to his story, too.
Insanity Wrap has no idea where things might go from here, but we bet it’ll be entertaining — not to mention embarrassing for Benson.
He is capable of shame, right?
The Quote of the Week… Has Been Banned
Lacrosse Team Told to Remove ‘Pray for Peace’ Shirts; Too Religious & Political, Says School Board
That whole “peace on Earth and goodwill to men” thing is just too radical for some public educators:
The girl’s lacrosse team at Blacksburg High School in Virginia wanted to honor their coach, who had spent ten summers volunteering in Ukrainian orphanages.
So, t-shirts were designed and created – adorned with a simple, but profound message: “Pray for Peace.”
“The Girls Lacrosse Team is no longer permitted to wear the Pray for Peace t-shirts at home or away events as warm up gear,” the email read. “The message conveyed by the shirts, although positive in nature and well meaning, can be interpreted as religious and political in nature.”
When everything is politicized, nothing can be innocuous — not even a silent prayer for peace.
Insanity Wrap would have wagered that this school must be in Loudon County, but no. Blacksburg High School is in deep-red southwestern Virginia.
The rot is everywhere.
The Craziest Person in the World (This Week)
Obese diners to be banned from entering naked restaurant https://t.co/kX6IMGUU3U
— Tati 🇺🇸 (@WhirledPeas9) April 11, 2022
Full Disclosure: Back in our Northern California days, Insanity Wrap used to frequent Baker Beach, where clothing is strictly optional.
So it isn’t like we have a problem with public nudity.
That said: We have no desire to dine naked nor to dine with naked people.
Attractive, unattractive, it doesn’t matter.
We can only focus on so many things at a time, and at dinnertime, we’d like to focus on our food and drink.
Besides, we’d just spend the whole meal wondering where all the crumbs were going, and that’s just not right.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: We Need to Talk About Kamala Harris
Biden’s ’70s Show

Biden to order more ethanol for cars as grain shortages loom
Could Biden BE any dumber?
The consumer-price index report must look pretty bad to make this move, and what’s more, every media outlet recognizes the desperation. Joe Biden will lift a summer restriction on E15 ethanol blends intended to keep pollution down in a desperate bid to keep gas prices from escalating even further.
March’s annual inflation rate hit another 40-year record at 8.5%.
But in case nobody told Presidentish Joe Biden, or he simply forgot as he always does at puddin’ time*, but we’re facing a global food crisis. There’s drought, an avian flu that’s killing pigs, and thanks to the Ukraine War, a shortage of grains and (most importantly) the fertilizer needed for high-yield crops.
We’re looking at actual hunger and starvation in the Third World, and serious inflation and belt-tightening here in the First World.
Biden’s solution? Shovel more food into the nation’s gas tanks.
All because his handlers are more worried (short term) about the political effects of rising gas prices than they are worried (medium term) about people going hungry and maybe dying.
This is impeachable, if you ask Insanity Wrap.
(Just don’t ask House Speaker Apparent Kevin McCarthy.)
*The one thing Biden never forgets is puddin’ time.
Speaking of Inflation…
The dotted line is Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
Oh, wait, it's not.
It's Biden's inauguration. pic.twitter.com/4JYsxGBqDd
— Brad Polumbo 🇺🇸⚽️ 🏳️🌈 (@brad_polumbo) April 11, 2022
“The #PutinsPriceHike narrative is so absurd that it’s offensive, it’s an insult to voters’ intelligence. Anyone who can remember back more than 2 months knows it’s untrue.”
One More Thing…
Insanity Wrap apologizes for nothing.
That’s a Wrap for this week.
Come back next week for another Insanity Wrap…
…assuming we make it that long.
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