Welcome to Insanity Wrap #214, your daily dose of the best of the worst—and the Wuhan virus origin investigation is today’s big bad.
Insanity Wrap needs to know: What’s worse than the possibility of Communist China getting away with waging undeclared global biological warfare?
Answer: The Biden administration refusing to even look into the possibility.
Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.
- This was CNN
- Will the real antisemite please stand up, then sit down and shut up?
- John Cena gets the five-knuckle shuffle
And so much more.
Shall we begin?
Biden’s ’70s Show
Here’s a Twitter thread from New York Times business and economics writer Binyamin Appelbaum, explaining that inflation is pretty nice, akshully.
Savings wiped out? Can’t afford to eat red meat anymore? Staying home because it costs too much to fill the tank? The economy comes to a screeching halt as interest rates skyrocket? Your neighbor is unemployed and so are you?
Pretty nice!
Insanity Wrap leads with this story for just one reason.
If a New York Times writer is getting ahead of the curve, explaining away 1970s-style inflation that we aren’t actually experiencing, it’s because 1970s-style inflation is probably just down the road.
Pretty nice of Binyamin to give us the heads up about that Biden inflation, anyway.
This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006

Marjorie Taylor Greene says she stands with Israel while Hamas-loving detractors claim she is ‘antisemitic’
How does that even work?
Israel has friends on the Left the way the shy new girl in school has friends with the popular Mean Girls clique.
Let’s just say they’re at arm’s length, at best.
In any case, let’s also just say that anyone making excuses for any group firing literally thousands of rockets at civilian targets during just a week really just ought to sit down and shut up.
Instead, they’ll be celebrated by the American media.
Hell, tons of them are the American media.
Crazy, right?
The Craziest Person in the World (Today)
1000 percent worse. https://t.co/0jS4r1S2uk
— S.V. Dáte (@svdate) May 25, 2021
Well, that’s a take.
It’s a take that must have required enough cocktails to put Insanity Wrap off our mid-morning Bloody Mary, even now that the kids are out of school and we don’t have to drive carpool.
Your Daily Dose of Mostly Peaceful Protest
If you’re looking for some good news, at least Portland didn’t celebrate the drug-related death of George Floyd while in police custody with a drive-by shooting, unlike some other city Insanity Wrap is too kind to mention.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: Biden’s Radical Agenda Might Just Be DOA
Your Daily Dose of Mandated Unity
Democrat cities. pic.twitter.com/MFKHdx2aiE
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) May 26, 2021
Do you remember what Insanity Wrap told you last year?
We said when #DefundThePolice first became a thing, that it wasn’t necessary to actually defund them.
Simply demoralizing the police, by City Hall telling them again and again that they do not and will not back the police, would be enough to do the job.
Did we call it, or what?
And Now For a Brief Moment of Sanity
CNN Loses Nearly 70% Of Its Viewers Since Trump Left Office
It’s the feel-good story of the summer!
During the primetime hours of 8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. (EST), CNN lost around 65% of its total viewers since January. In the critical 25-54 age demographic, the network lost 71% of its viewers for both the day and primetime.
MSNBC is hurting, too, as is Fox News. But neither network suffered anything like the drop that CNN did.
They lost nearly three out of four of the 25-54 cohort that advertisers crave.
Insanity Wrap must admit we giggled like a schoolgirl at the thought of CNN brass having to settle for “dollar a holler” ads like some small-market 40-watt AM radio station.
There is a serious side to this story, however.
In Orwell’s 1984, the superstate of Oceania needed enemies foreign AND domestic to keep the people riled up.
Thus the endless foreign war against Eastasia (or was it Eurasia?) and the daily Two Minutes Hate against that domestic subversive, Emmanuel Goldstein.
CNN profited for four years with 24/7/365 Hate against Donald Trump.
Now that he’s gone — in no small part because of outfits like CNN — the media have lost their Goldstein.
Without him, they are nothing.
Your Daily Dose of Celebrity Nonsense
Watching nearly four minutes of John Cena getting pummeled for his “stomach-turning” apology to Communist China is like taking a preemptive antacid before a big meal.
We say that because you’re going to need some mental antacid before Insanity Wrap takes you to today’s lead story, just below.
Previously On Insanity Wrap: White House Pushing for Vaccination Notifications… on Dating Sites?
Here’s Another Damn Thing We’re Supposed to (Not) Be Concerned About

Biden Admin Shut Down Probe Launched During Trump Era To Examine Wuhan Lab Leak Theory, Report Says
It’s embarrassing — but expected — when a “star” like John Cena humiliates himself, kowtowing to his movie studio’s masters in Beijing.
Hollywood is addicted to Communist Chinese dollars (provided by American consumers) and so if their biggest names must sometimes bend the knee to demonstrate their fealty… well, that’s just business, Insanity Wrap must suppose.
Would that the same were not true of Presidentish Joe Biden, purportedly The Most Powerful Man in the World™.
“Officials involved in the effort relied on scientific research as well as public and classified information to probe the lab leak theory, including looking into any possible connection between the virus and the Chinese government’s biological weapons program,” the report said. “The US government has said that it believes China maintained an offensive biological weapons program even after joining the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention in 1984. China refutes this.”
Biden officials claimed that the reason that they shut down the probe was because they were concerned about the quality of the work and evidence.
If you’re genuinely concerned about “the quality of the work and evidence,” then you demand better of the people doing the investigation.
If what you’re actually concerned about is pleasing Xi Jinping, then you…
…well, you do exactly what President Porchlight did and shut that whole thing down.
So forget that there were concerns from the start that the Wuhan Virus might have originated in a Communist Chinese lab. Forget also that even the mainstream media, which for more than a year dismissed such concerns as mere conspiracy-mongering, has now moved in lockstep to the position that very well might be exactly what happened. Forget, too, that an impartial investigation could reveal the truth, and let the chips fall where they may.
An ongoing investigation might answer the question: Did Communist China engage in accidental or intentional global biological warfare, or were they victims of the pandemic just like the rest of us?
But, no, even looking into these questions is now off the table, thanks to the Biden administration.
Just forget it.
Insanity Wrap asks you to forget all these things so that you might remember the White House’s most pressing question: Did the big guy get his 10%?
One More Thing…
Because at heart, Insanity Wrap is still only this many [holds up four fingers] old.
That’s a Wrap for today.
Come back tomorrow for another Insanity Wrap…
…assuming we make it that long.
P.S. If you enjoy reading Insanity Wrap, you’ll love the “Five O’Clock Somewhere” podcast with Stephen Kruiser, Bryan Preston, and yours truly.
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