Insanity Wrap needs to know: When did the idea of making a musical start keeping Spike Lee up at night?
Answer: We’ll show ourselves the door.
Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.
- Gavin Newsom’s lame apology for his amazing dinner.
- CNN freaks out over free speech.
- That didn’t take long: Progressives already fuming over their sudden but inevitable betrayal.
And so much more.
Shall we begin?
This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006
EXCLUSIVE: We've obtained photos of Governor Gavin Newsom at the Napa dinner party he's in hot water over. The photos call into question just how outdoors the dinner was. A witness who took photos tells us his group was so loud, the sliding doors had to be closed. 10pm on @FOXLA
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) November 18, 2020
Outdoors is the new indoors, rubbing shoulders is the new social distancing, and lording it over the serfs is the new American Dream.
Insanity Wrap hopes that clears things up for you.
Schaden, Meet Freude
Insanity Wrap can’t help but wonder if this is what Fox News had in mind when they betrayed their most loyal viewers on Election Day two weeks ago.
Excuses, Excuses
Gov. Gavin Newsom apologizes for attending party at French Laundry: "We're all human. We all fall short sometimes."
— The Hill (@thehill) November 17, 2020
Dear Governor Newsom,
You didn’t “fall short.”
You deliberately broke your own illegal and unconstitutional orders because you thought you could get away with it, as did everyone else at your party, which apparently included a lobbyist buddy of yours.
Please delete your regime.
-Insanity Wrap
P.S. When there isn’t a shutdown, most foodies (like us) can’t get a table at French Laundry with less than a full year’s notice — and even that takes a bit of good luck and more money than we can properly afford. So, seriously, go to hell. -I.W.
Never Apologize for the Good Stuff

Sorry Cuomo, we’re doing Thanksgiving
Amber Athey is a woman after Insanity Wrap’s own heart:
Cuomo’s order is insulting to our intelligence and is disgustingly authoritarian. COVID science suggests gathering outdoors is relatively safe (it’s why so many states have offered restaurants money to winterize their patio dining), yet Cuomo tells families they cannot do it for Turkey Day. What if you live in a rural area and have a large backyard that makes social distancing possible? Cuomo’s rule offers no such exceptions. Nor are there exceptions if families are responsible and decided to self-quarantine for a period of time before meeting their relatives for the holidays. There’s something very eerie about the thought of government authorities going door to door and fining people for gathering with their own family members. It shouldn’t be surprising, though, from the same governor that has targeted the Orthodox Jewish community for continuing to hold religious services.
Plus: “A realistic approach to coronavirus would recognize the trade-off between preventing ‘just one death’ and the skyrocketing deaths of despair due to lockdowns.”
Previously On Insanity Wrap: Hillary Clinton Was Still Disputing Election Results, Three Years Later
The Craziest Person in the World (Today)

CNN scared of new right-wing media, bashes Parler as ‘threat to democracy’
Oh, please.
Inanity Wrap has tried Parler and despite high hopes became quickly disenchanted with it.
The app is a mess, notifications are broken, and the chat experience verges on sterile.
Also, there don’t seem to be any tools for importing old Twitter contacts or lists, making Parler more work than it’s worth to us.
Nevertheless, we wish them the best of luck, and hope that Parler becomes a serious, robust, and easy-to-use platform because we desperately need a free-speech alternative to Twitter.
But in its current incarnation, you’d have to be a manly man on par with Brian Stelter to be afraid of Parler.
Then again, even some small measure of free speech hosted by a mediocre platform can be a threat to those who live and thrive on lies.
Aside: We’re willing to admit that we might be wrong about Parler for two reasons. The first is that we haven’t done anything with it in several months, so maybe the app has improved. The other is that we might just be done with the whole micro-blogging format. If Parler has improved, please let us know and maybe we’ll give it another shot.
Here’s Another Damn Thing We’re Supposed to Be Concerned About
It’s so ironic for progressives. They needed to defeat trump to stop fascism… so they could usher in neoliberal corporatists, who hated Trump.
If they didn’t live in the left-right paradigm, they would have realized Trump offered them more than Biden.
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) November 17, 2020
This is the most succinct (and correct) condemnation of progressivism Insanity Wrap has ever read.
The Left’s footsoldiers always — always — get the shaft.
Hardcore lefty (and generally miserable human being) David Sirota blocked us on Twitter years ago, when Insanity Wrap was on the platform more or less all the time. Nevertheless, we maintain an unblocked dummy account just so that sometimes we might come across the occasional schadenfreude-tinted gem like this one: “Biden’s first climate appointment is one of the Democratic Party’s top recipients of fossil fuel industry money, who has repeatedly voted with Republicans against Democratic environmental legislation and for bills to help oil and gas companies.”
What, Dave, you thought that a swamp creature like Biden was going to advance your crummy little agenda?
Nevertheless, Sirota and his ilk are too blinded by their own ideologies to see these betrayals before they happen.
The reason is that Leftism, by its very nature, uses and abuses the well-meaning nature of idealists who desire change, so that the “vanguard” can gain political power and undeserved wealth.
In other words, progressivism is entrenched interests seeking to become even more entrenched at the expense of the very people who are most willing to do their dirty work for them.
This is exactly what H.L. Mencken was talking about when he said voters in a democracy will get what they want, good and hard.
It’s also why the U.S. was originally conceived and established as a constitutional republic with some democratic trappings, rather than as a pure democracy.
You know this. We know this. The Republic’s hope is that well-meaning and oft-abused progressives will finally learn it.
The All-Singing, All-Dancing… What?

Director Spike Lee changes direction with musical about Viagra
Even if you aren’t excited to see the show, with a little blue pill you can fake it well enough.
Moving right along…
One More Thing…

That’s a Wrap for today.
Come back tomorrow for another Insanity Wrap…
…assuming we make it that long.
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