“Brave Sir Robin” might become a regular headline around here, as the ObamaCare train wreck rollout train wreck continues to unfold.
Anyway, here’s more via Doug Mataconis:
Sen. Mary Landrieu, the vulnerable Louisiana Democrat, tried Wednesday to distance herself even further from both Obamacare and President Barack Obama in the first television commercial of her reelection campaign.
The $250,000 buy continues a marked change in Landrieu’s tone from the start of the year and speaks to how devastating Democrats realize the health care overhaul may be to their hopes of holding the Senate.
Built around news clips, the 30-second ad highlights legislation Landrieu introduced to let people keep their health care plans after the public outcry over hundreds of thousands of cancellations.
Doug adds:
Polling in the Louisiana Senate race has been limited, with the most recent poll more than a month old and those previous to that even older, and while they do show Landrieu with a lead over likely Republican nominee Bill Cassidy, they also show she pulling in less than 50% of the vote, and in some cases only garnering support in the low 40s. This is not where an incumbent wants to be even this far out from election, and especially not in a red state like Louisiana where Mitt Romney won by seventeen points just last year, and polling on the PPACA itself has been largely negative.
And I’ll add a couple things, too.
Sure, Landrieu “tried” to pass some phony-balony legislation which, even had it passed and been implemented without delay (ha!), still would have done nothing to reactivate cancelled policies, or to prevent millions more from coming. Her lame attempts were never anything more than window dressing with a dash of SQUIRREL.
What Landrieu was able to do successfully, was be one of ObamaCare’s staunchest proponents before it became law, and one of its staunchest proponents after it became law.
Now she’s running away from four years of her own best political efforts.
Don’t let her get away with it, Louisiana.
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